We are happy that this edition has received quite a number of article submissions. However, we cannot publish all of them. Praise be to God, this edition was published as scheduled. Hopefully useful for writers, practitioners, and observers of education. Issue 4 number 1 contains 15 articles on Islamic Religious Education. The entire editorial team of the PARAMUROBI Journal would like to thank 36 authors from 14 institutions. The following are their names: Soffan Rizqi, Rifqi Muntaqo, Rahmat Lutfi Guefera, Sri Haryanto, Ngatoillah Linnaja, Ali Imron (University of Al-Qur'an Science), Aris Sofandi (SMP Negeri 61 Surabaya) Khusnul Khotimatul Maulidiyah, Muh. Wasith Achadi (UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta), Nunun Masnunah, Chaerul Rochman, Karman, Umniyatul Azizah, Panca Selly Inariska, Hasbiyallah, Aan Hasanah (UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung), Zahra Hana Fadhilah, Hudaidah (University of Sriwijaya) Riska Nor Hasanah, Moch . Shohib (Syarifuddin Lumajang Islamic Institute), Ahmad Suradi (IAIN Bengkulu), Nilawati (MI Nurul Huda Bengkulu City), Yasin Muhammad Syibli (Maritime Academy, Cirebon Maritime Sanctuary), Rachma Nika Hidayati (Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya), Yolla Rizky Presbianti, Kholifatuz Zulfa Nur Azizah (KH Achmad Siddiq State Islamic University Jember), Moh. Yusuf Efendi, M. Iqbal Tawakkal, Sahri (University of Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri), Nurfuadi, Nur Avitasari, Khafifatul Fian (Purwokerto State Islamic Institute), Harmi Tursih, Suyadi, Unique Hanifah Salsabila, Muh. Kurniawan (University of Ahmad Dahlan). Constructive criticism and suggestions are needed as input for improvement, especially to improve the quality of publications.

Published: 2021-06-10

Volume 4