• Harun Tri Wibowo Mahasiswa
  • Nasyiin Faqih
  • Yuli Sulistyowati Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an


The availability of clean water is very influential for human life. The influence of the availability of clean water does not only affect household needs, but also affects the social, economic, and public facilities, along with the rate of population growth.
Research methodology To plan the distribution of clean water networks, data are needed: general condition of planning, state of water sources, amount of discharge, distance, elevation and population. The spring discharge was obtained using the method, elevation and distance measurements were obtained using GARMIN and a roller meter, while population data were obtained from the village of Penawangan village. The springs are taken from the springs of Penawangan village, Madukara.
The planned debit channeled to Penawangan Village is 7.67 liters/second from the reservoir, which is able to meet the water needs of the population for the next 15 years, namely in 2037, with a population of 4643 people. The drainage system used to drain clean water from the reservoir to the service area is using a gravity system, and according to analysis using the EPANET 2.0 software, it meets the requirements for flow with a gravity system.
The planning of this clean water network is very helpful for the people of Penawangan Village, who previously still relied on water from dug or infiltration wells. The budget required for this plan is Rp. 703,424,000.00 (Seven Hundred Three Million Four Hundred Twenty Four Thousand Rupiah), with the price of water Rp. 1.550.00/m³. With this price, which is cheaper than the PDAM price rate of Rp. 1.570.00/m³.


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How to Cite
Tri WibowoH., FaqihN., & SulistyowatiY. (2023, February 9). PERENCANAAN JARINGAN AIR BERSIH DESA PENAWANGAN KECAMATAN MADUKARA KABUPATEN BANJARNEGARA. Teras, 12(3), 32-38. Retrieved from


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