Study Addition of Bamboo Leaf Ash as a Substitute for Cement and Coconut Fiber as an Additive to the Compressive Strength of Concrete

Addition of Bamboo Leaf Ash as a Substitute for Cement and Coconut Fiber as an Additive to the Compressive Strength of Concrete

  • Blitakhul Hardya Antariksani Teknik sipil
  • Nasyiin Faqih Universitas Sains Al-Quran
Keywords : Bamboo leaf ash, Coconut fiber, K300 Concrete


From year to year many studies have been carried out to increase the compressive strength of concrete. One of the studies used using fiber of powder.

Bamboo leaf ash produced after burning for 2 hours, resulted in a silica content of 75,9%. While coconut fiber has a good tensile strength, so the use of a mixture of coconut fiber is expected to provide the advantages of each material. 

Compressive strength of K300 quality concrete, using a mixture of 4% ash and fiber variations (0,5%, 1%, 1,5%), 6% ash and fiber (0,5%, 1%, 1,5%), 8% ash and fiber (0,5%, 1%, 1,5%).

The maximum increase occurred in the experiment with a mixture of 4% bamboo leaf ash and 1,5% coconut fiber, the compressive strength value, which was 24,9 Mpa at 28 days of concrete.

From the result of the study, it can be concluded that the addition of bamboo leaf ash as a substitute for comen and  coconut fiber as an added material can increase the compressive strengt of concrete, but the addition too much mixture causes a decrease in the compressive strength of concrete.

Keywords : Bamboo leaf ash, Coconut fiber, K300 Concrete.



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How to Cite
AntariksaniB., & FaqihN. (2021, September 30). Study Addition of Bamboo Leaf Ash as a Substitute for Cement and Coconut Fiber as an Additive to the Compressive Strength of Concrete. Teras, 11(3). Retrieved from


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