Islam Politik di Eropa

Dinamika Pengakuan Masyarakat Islam di Inggris dan Prancis Abad 20

  • Muflih Fahmi Kaunain Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an
political islam, moslem society, europe imigrant 20th century


Islam as religion and power system had entered Europe since seven century, it was a long history for minority religion in present day. Even Islam had a monarchy power in West-East Europe and a strong history of education and social system for hundred years. But, after Cross War in 13rd century and Europe kingdoms colonized againt Asia and Africa in 17th century, the history of  powerfull Islam in Europe, esspecially in Spain and France, was disappeared. Only a view academic records on phiposhopy, health knowledge and ancient unique bulidings become a evidences of glorious of Islam. Nowdays, moslem in Europe are totally different situation, contrary to a thousand years ago. The End of War World II and the freedom of Asia and Africa Countries in 1945 made a climate of world politic changed. New countries  in Asia and Africa, ex-colonized countries, become a marginal-countries in economic and politic. Especialy moslem countries, this poor condition made some of their citizen moved and transmigrated to Europe countries and America for persuit to better life. England and France, two favorite imigrant contries in Europe, esepcially for muslim from North Africa and Middle East. Unfortunetely, their hopes for better life in the new home land faced a legal citizinship becaused of acception of their tribe-religion identity, that was not eassy to accepted them for local society. There was no another way except a political fight for public policy acknowledgment to guaranteed their citizenship status, primarly for moslem society imigrant in 20th century.


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How to Cite
KaunainM. (2020, June 26). Islam Politik di Eropa. Resolusi: Jurnal Sosial Politik, 3(1), 42-52.


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