Author Guidelines

  • Articles must be relevant to social and political topics by taking into account the objectivity of the substance and scientific rules.
  • Writing can be in the form of theoretical applications, ideas, reports / research results, or scientific book reviews. Moreover, it should be original or have not been published in other media (including blogs), and not being submitted to other media.
  • The length of the article is 4,000-7,000 words, containing the title, author, abstract, background, discussion, conclusions, and bibliography.
  • The title must be specific and no more than 14 words; the name of the author is written without a title. Instead, it should be followed by the author’s affiliation and e-mail address.
  • Abstract consists of 100-200 words written in one paragraph, followed by keywords between 3-5 words.
  • Please write using Book Antiqua font style, size 12, A4 paper size (see the template provided).
  • If there are tables and pictures / graphs, they must be referred to in the discussion.
  • Conclusions should not be written in points but in the form of paragraphs.
  • Authors can send / submit articles online on this journal website by registering / logging in first.
  • Editors may have the right to edit articles without changing its substance.
  • The method of quotation and bibliography uses the American Psychological Association (APA) model. Moreover, please use body notes, not footnotes or endnotes. Footnote is only used for adding information if needed.
  • Articles are written in an essay form. Thus, there is no numeric (or alphabetical) format that separates between tabs / sections, or for marking new chapters / sections.
  • Avoid using numbering or dot points such as: 
  1. ....
  2. ....

 Instead, it shall be better to write it as follows: (1) ..., (2) ....

To simplify the technical needs, we strongly encourage you to please use a bibliographic tool like Zotero or Mendeley in preparing your manuscript.



Every submitted paper will undergo plagiarism checking and be reviewed.