About the journal

Journal title Resolusi: Jurnal Sosial Politik
Initials Resolusi
Grade Sinta 5
Frequency Biannual (June & December) 
DOI Prefix  10.32699/resolusi 
First Publication June 2018
Online ISSN 2621-5764
Editor-in-chief Ahmad Anwar
Publisher Department of Political Science - Universitas Sains Al Qur'an
Address FKSP Building - 2nd floor, Jl KH. Hasyim Asy’ari Km. 3 Kalibeber Wonosobo, Central Java - Indonesia 56351
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Resolusi is a biannual journal that serves as a platform for disseminating original research, analysis, and commentary on social and political developments. Our logo, which includes a globe, books, and hand, represents our mission: the globe speaks to our global perspectives; books represent knowledge shared and scholarly engagement; the hand implies critical engagement and participation. These reflect our commitment to fostering informed discourse and global understanding. Derived from the Latin "Resolus," - which means clarity, understanding, or conclusion - we aim to promote lucid analysis and understanding of complex socio-political issues.

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