Learning Outcomes, Team Game Tournament, Wordwall
The goals of this study was to assess evaluate the efectivity of science learning outcomes by Team Games Tournament learning model assisted Wordwall for V grade students. This kind of study has a nonequivalent control group design especially quasi-experimental. In this study, the entire population of 2 classes was used as a research sample with saturated sample technique, In the experimental class, the team game tournament model was treated using an assisted wordwall, whereas the control group used a traditional model. Multiple-choice questions based on pretest-posttest learning outcomes are used to collect data. The experimental class scored an average of 53.26 on the pretest, while the control class scored 49.52. Next, the experimental class scored 82.17 on the posttest, while the control class scored 61.90. based on the findings of a hypothesis test run with the SPSS V23 application, it produces sig (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, this means that the Team Game Tournament model assisted Wordwall is effective on grade V science learning outcomes, with the results of increasing scores using the N-Gain percentage = 67%, meaning that the Team Game Tournament model assisted by Wordwall in the experimental class is effective with the "quite effective" category.
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