Zakat dalam Perspektif Tafsir Al Qurthuby

(Kajian Tafsir Ayat Zakat di Surat al Baqarah)

  • Zulfah Kirom UNSIQ
  • Asyhar Kholil UNSIQ


The interpretation of the contents of the Qur’ân also changes from time to time. The book of Tafsir Al-Jāmi’ li Ahkām al-Qur’ān is the great work of Imam al-Qurtubi which contains interpretations with the pattern of Islamic Shari'a laws (fiqh) in the 7th century H. In the issue of zakat, the meaning of the al-Qur’ânic text about the command of zakat, the object of zakat, muzakki, amil zakat and mustahik zakat have also developed. But the Qur’ân will always be the solution. Regarding amil zakat, the institution authorized by the Indonesian government at this time is BAZNAS whose existence is not only at the center, but also in provinces and districts/cities throughout Indonesia. The author uses the living Qur’ân research method to analyze zakat management at BAZNAS, Purworejo Regency. This research begins by examining the text of the Qur’ân in the book of interpretation by Imam Al-Qurtubi, then how this zakat command is implemented at BAZNAS Purworejo Regency.

From the results of the study, it was concluded that the management of BAZNAS in Purworejo Regency did not deviate from the rules of fiqh zakat, such as al-Qurtubi's opinion, even though Imam al-Qurtubi had not had time to mention professional zakat as currently managed by BAZNAS in Purworejo Regency. However, qiyas and contemporary interpretations as well as zakat laws that exist in Indonesia today, do not contradict the intent of the verses of the commandment of zakat according to Imam al-Qurtubi.


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