Ta’wil Muḥammad Syaḥrūr terhadap Q.S Al-Qadr: 1-5

  • Reni Nur Aniroh UNSIQ
  • Ahsin - Wijaya UNSIQ
  • Asyhar - Kholil UNSIQ
Muḥammad Syaḥrūr, lailatu al-qadr , the revelation.


This study aims to find out Muammad Syarūr’s thoughts,  especially about his ta’wil in the Qur’an 97:1-5.  Research on his thoughts, especially regarding his ta'wil on Q.S. al-Qadr: 1-5 becomes important and interesting, because of his unique thinking,  and will open up our knowledge and we will get new things, which may not have been thought of in our minds. This research uses the historis-philosophical and hermeneutical approaches. For him, lailatu al-qadr is not only discusse in the metaphysical region, but also the region's empirical reality, which is not done by many interpreters generally.

Syarūr's interpretation, especially of Q.S al-Qadr: 1-5, reflects the thoughts of a Muslim scientist who wants to see that revelation does not conflict with logic and empirical reality. According to him, the event of lailatu al-qadr is not only understood as the revelation of the Qur'an in its linguistic form, but also shown in the form of its content. Where this necessitates a serious human effort to unravel the unsolved mysteries of the Qur'an, nature, and humanity, which of course is very helpful in overcoming the existing problems


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