• Krisdayana Kiyat Fietama Universitas Sains Alqur'an
  • Ana Widiyanti Universitas Sains Alqur'an
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychology Literature


This study is aimed to analyze: (1) the PTSD of the main character presented in Anthony Russo’s “Cherry”, (2) the effect of PTSD toward the main character's life reflected in Anthony Russo's “Cherry”. The study uses descriptive qualitative method to analyze the film. The collecting data of the research method includes watching and reading, identifying, classifying, and selecting. The analyzing data of the research method by used displaying, explaining, and interpreting. The result of the study: (1) the PTSD of the main character presented in Anthony Russo’s “Cherry” such as experiencing and witnessing a past event that was unpleasant and frightening and appeared accompanied by symptoms such as re-traumatic and hyperarousal; (2) the effects of PTSD toward the main character's life in the form of effect on mental health, effect on physical health, and effect on quality of life.


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How to Cite
FietamaK., & WidiyantiA. (2023, May 30). POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER REFLECTED IN THE CHARACTER OF CHERRY IN ANTHONY RUSSO’S CHERRY (2021). CLLiENT (Culture, Literature, Linguistics, and English Teaching), 5(1), 22-39. Retrieved from


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