• Misbahul - Munir UNSIQ
  • Rifqi Muntaqo UNSIQ
  • Lutfan Muntaqo UNSIQ
Personality Competencies, An-Nawawi’s Thought, Islamic Education


The mastery of personality competencies by an educator is very important. An educator should have a strong personality so that it is expected to be able to shape the character of students who value the diversity of their characteristics, try to develop each of their potential optimally, develop life skills to be able to live in harmony with personal and environmental conditions. However, the fact is that efforts to develop the teaching profession by the government relating to personal competence seem to be relatively limited and even more likely to prioritize pedagogical and professional competence. Therefore, a teacher should try to develop personal competence personally by studying the thoughts of educational experts including Imam an-Nawawi who has poured his thoughts about education in one of his books, At-Tibyan Fi adabi Hamalah Al-Qur'an.

The purpose of this study is to find out how Imam Nawawi's thoughts about the personal competence of Educators in the book At-Tibyan Fi adabi Hamalah Al-Qur’an and also their relevance to the concept of Islamic Education. This study includes in library research, it means the primer resource is taken from the art of an-Nawawi especially in At-Tibyan Fi Adabi Hamalah Al-Qur’an and the analysis of some thoughts of educational figure about personal teacher. The technical analysis of this study is content analysis. From result of this research, the writer hopes that it gives the enlightenment about the important of personality of teacher in education. The teacher must be able to put forward moral values in developing the student’s skill or potency. So that, the process of education will be condusif and able to make the good attitude of student.


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How to Cite
Munir, Misbahul, Rifqi Muntaqo, and Lutfan Muntaqo. 2020. Ta’dib (Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dan Peradaban Islam) 2 (1), 25-38. Accessed February 23, 2025. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.32699/ta’dib.v2i1.2508.


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