Focus and Scope

Syariati: Journal of Al-Qur'an and Law Studies is a journal published by the Faculty of Shari'ah and Law, University of Al-Qur'an Science (UNSIQ), Central Java in Wonosobo. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and the results of research that have been achieved in the field of Shari'ah and Law specifically focus on the main issues covering:

1. Study of sharia science
2. Qur'anic science and interpretation
3. Hadith studies and living hadith
4. Islamic law
5. Sharia banking
6. Islamic economics
7. Islamic accounting
8. Zakah and waqf
9. Fiqh, ushul fiqh, masail fiqhiyyah, contemporary fiqh
10. Family law (ahkam al-ahwal al-syakhshiyyah)
11. Material law (al-ahkam al-madaniyya)
12. Criminal law (al-ahkam al-jinaiyayah)
13. Law of procedure (al-ahkam al-murafa'at)
14. Constitutional law (al-ahkam al-dusturiyyah)
15. International law (al-ahkam al-dauliyyah)
16. Economic and financial law (al-ahkam al-iqtishadiyyah wa al-maliyyah):
     a. Sharia economic law
     b. Sharia business law
     c. Sharia management law
     d. Sharia banking law
     e. Law of sharia financial institutions
     f. Non-bank financial industry law
17. Philosophy of Islamic law
18. Law
19. Legal Policies
20. Legal studies