(Tipologi khiṭab Al-Qur’an dalam penafsiran surah Yāsīn perspektif Tafsīr Jalālain)

  • Wahid Anwar UNSIQ
  • Lilik Rohmat Nurcholisho UNSIQ


This research examines the Khitab of Al-Qur'an in Surah Yasin (Analytical Study of Jalaluddin Al-Mahally's Interpretation in the Book of Tafsir Jalalain). The purpose of this study is to know the Khiṭab of Al-Qur'an and its implications in the interpretation of Surah Yāsin from the perspective of Tafsir Jalālain so that it can be a useful contribution of thought in the context of developing the treasures of Islamic science, especially in the field of interpretation and helping efforts to increase understanding and practice of Islamic values ​​that contained in the Qur'an.

This research is a library research with a thematic approach. The data used in the form of primary data and secondary data. The primary data in this study is the book of Tafsir Jalālain. While the secondary data is taken from the book al-Itqan fi 'Ulumil Qur'an (as-Suyūṭi), Uṣūlut Tafsir (al-‘Ak), Ḥasyiyah Ṣāwī, Hasyiyah Jamal, and others. Data processing in this study used descriptive analysis method. The conclusion is drawn using an inductive model.

The results showed that; First, khitab of Al-Qur'an in the Surah Yāsīn from the perspective of Tafsir Jalālain found there are 20 (twenty) types of khiṭab. 16 of them are based on the division of as-Suyūṭi and Khalid Abdurrahman Al-‘Ak, namely (1) khitab 'am and what is meant is also general, (2) Khitab 'am but which is special, (3) Khitab al-madḥ (praise), (4) Khitab aż-żamm (reproach), (5) Khitab al-karamah (respect), (6) Khitab al-ihanah (insult), (7) Khitab plural after mufrad, (8) Khitab talwin (change) or iltifat, (9) Khiṭab to inanimate objects such as speaking to the intelligent, (10) Khitab to cultivate love, (11) Khitab ta‘jiz (showing weakness), (12) Khitab tasyrif (glorifying), (13) Khiṭab al-ma‘dum (to the non-existent), (14) Khiṭab i‘tibar, (15) Khiab at-tasyji‘ wa at-tahriḍ (khiṭab to encourage courage and to emphasize), (16) Khiṭab at-tahsir wa at-talahhuf ( to feel loss and regret). And the following 4 (four) have not been mentioned in the division of the two ulama', namely (1) Khitab at-taubikh (reprimand/rebuke), (2) Khitab ta'kid (confirming), (3) Khitab taṣgir (minimizing), and (4) Khitab tasliyah (consolation). Second, the rules of khitab of al-Qur'an starting from mukhaṭib, mukhaṭab; and types of khiṭab have implications for at least three things, (1) on the interpretation of a commentator, (2) to make it easier for those who contemplate al-Qur'an to place the text of al-Qur'an in the right place, both the meaning and purpose of the verse. (3) to avoid misunderstanding kalamullah.


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