Bullying dalam QS. Al-Hujurat: 11

(Analisis Semiotika Ferdinand De Saussure)

  • Wiga Lutfiana UNSIQ
  • Lilik Rohmat Nurcholisho UNSIQ


The type of research used is a descriptive-qualitative type of research, the approach used by this research is a linguistic approach. To obtain data, the writer used the library research by describing in general what is meant by bullying,  looking for the equivalent of the word Bullying in Arabic then associating it with the terms of bullying in QS. Al-Hujurat verse 11. The writer aslo exposed the scholars' interpretation of QS. Al-Hujurat verse 11, analyzed the form of bullying in QS. Al-Hujurat verse 11 using the semiotic theory of Ferdinand De Saussure, and finally he  drew conclusions from the results of the analysis.

Based on the analysis of the theory of Semiotics against QS. Al-Hujurat: 11, several results were found, namely (1) The Langue dimension of the Quran is Arabic and its grammar. The Parole dimension of the Quran is represented in the text of the Quran itself. In QS. Al-Hujurat verse 11, the form of parole related to bullying behavior is the words tana>bazu, talmizu, yaskharu. (2) The signifier in the Quran is in the form of the verse itself, while the signified in the Quran is a concept that appears in the mind of every mufassir. (3) Syntagmatic relations in the Quran can be understood through the arrangement of the verbal sentences and nominal sentences, Paradigmatic relations in the Quran can be understood through synonymous sentences in a verse. (4) synchronic meaning in QS. Al-Hujurat:11 is global, that is, the terms in the Quran that used to mean making fun, insulting, denouncing, giving bad titles, we can now interpret as acts of bullying.


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