Al-Simat al-Lugawiat al-Arabiat wa Tahayyuzatuha fi Mawaqi' al-Tawasul al-Ijtimaiy : al-Fisbuk wa al-Instagram Unmudhajan

  • Mohammad Rofiqi Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Lilik Rochmad Nurcholisho Universitas Sains Al Qur`an Wonosobo
  • Asep Sunarko Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an
  • Fatkhurrohman Fatkhurrohman Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an


Social communication is something that cannot be dissided from in our time. People exchange opinions, news, memories, events, etc. through social media.  Facebook and Instagram are among the most widely used means of the social media platform, where the visual appearances on the display screen are decorated in written language, as a means of understanding and communication between its users. In this regard, language becomes an intermediate language that can generate linguistic narratives and attractive linguistic features, including linguistic biases. We can see these facts from careful observations towards linguistic manifestations in social media. This research dealt with linguistic features and biases of grammar and styles. It relied on a stylistic approach supported by a qualitative research methodology. The data were analyzed by survey, accurate observation and documentation. This research identified the linguistic features contained in notices, comments, events, pages, etc. With regard to linguistic biases, they were obtained from the follow-up of linguistic issues of grammar and the choice of words and meanings.



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How to Cite
RofiqiM., NurcholishoL., SunarkoA., & FatkhurrohmanF. (2023, December 30). Al-Simat al-Lugawiat al-Arabiat wa Tahayyuzatuha fi Mawaqi’ al-Tawasul al-Ijtimaiy : al-Fisbuk wa al-Instagram Unmudhajan. Lisanan Arabiya: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 7(2), 228-237.


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