Tathbiq Thariqatu Tahlil al-Akhta’ fi Ta’lim Maddah al-Imla’ li Thalibati Barnamij al-I’dad al-Lugawi bi Kulliyyati al-Banati Jamiah Dar al-Salam Gontor

  • Abdul Hafidz bin Zaid Universitas Darussalam Gontor , Indonesia
  • Eva Sonia UNIDA Gontor
  • Nada Ni’ma Layalia Universitas Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia
Implmentation, Error analysis method, Dictation


This research focuses on the implementation of one method in teaching Arabic, which is the method of error analysis. This method is a branch of applied linguistics in Arabic linguistic studies. This method was used to find out the problems facing students while learning the Arabic language. Dictation is one of the linguistic subjects for female students in the language preparation program or matriculation program at the University of Darussalam Gontor, which must be learned especially to develop writing skill. Therefore, this research aims to define the method of error analysis, the importance of dictation, and then apply the method of error analysis in dictation. The method used in this research is a qualitative and descriptive one, using methods of observation, interview and written documents. The result of this research is that the application of the error analysis method goes through four stages, namely the stage of identifying errors, describing errors, classifying errors, repeating errors, and practical application.


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How to Cite
bin ZaidA., SoniaE., & LayaliaN. (2022, July 15). Tathbiq Thariqatu Tahlil al-Akhta’ fi Ta’lim Maddah al-Imla’ li Thalibati Barnamij al-I’dad al-Lugawi bi Kulliyyati al-Banati Jamiah Dar al-Salam Gontor. Lisanan Arabiya: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 6(1), 149-168. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.32699/liar.v6i1.2602


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