Author Guidelines

For Authors who their articles will be published in the TRANSFORMASI HUKUM must be following:

1) Articles are original written by the author

2) The maximum plagiarism of 25% checked by Turnitin and never published before.

3) Written articles must follow the rules of scientific articles writing

4) Articles contained in this Journal are research and studies articles (Conceptual)

5) Articles are written with Microsoft Word program, Font Types: Times New Roman, Size 12 pt, space: 1.5 pt, A4 paper size, margin : Top 3 Cm, Bottom 3 Cm, Left 3 Cm, Right 4 Cm. 

6) Articles are written with a number of pages at least 12 pages and a maximum of 15 pages.

7) The title of article is specifically written with maximum 15 words for Indonesian and 13 words for title in English or Arabic.

8) Author identity is written wiht the first author's name (without title), Affiliation of the author Isntitution concerned and e-mail (active account). Please follow this example:


Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an (UNSIQ) Jawa Tengah di Wonosobo


Hilmy Pratomo

Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an (UNSIQ) Jawa Tengah di Wonosobo


9) The article submitted with an abstract written in Indonesian or english language of 200 words. Abstract contains a brief description about the problem, objectives, methods, results, discussion and implication. Keyword between 3 - 5 words.
10) Contents include:

Introduction (consisting of background and research objectives, methods). The citation uses bodynoteline-note  following the Harvard Style pattern. Example (Yusuf Qardhawi, 2003: 27), using References Tools such as Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero

Findings and Discussion. The citation uses bodynoteline-note  following the Harvard Style pattern. Example (Yusuf Qardhawi, 2003: 27), using References Tools such as Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero

Conclusion. The conclusion presents the results of the discussion of the research findings. Conclusions are presented in pagraph form, or in numerical form.


Author Name, Reversed. Year. Book title. City of publication: Name of Publisher.

Author's Name, Reversed. Year. Post Title in Editor's Name, Reverse. Year. Anthology Book Title. City: Publisher.

Author's Name, Reverse. Year. Post Title. Journal Name. Editions and Pages

10) The writing format is made up of two columns, if there are images and tables are made separately not included columns.

11) Article manuscripts are made in accordance with the Journal Template which can be downloaded here