• Silma Dianaty Elfath UNSIQ
  • Muhsin Muhammad Sholeh UNSIQ


This study aims to investigate and provide an understanding of the concept of nusyūz (marital discord) within Islamic marriages and to explore how the interpretive methodology of Tafsir Maqāṣidī, specifically as articulated by scholar Abdul Mustaqim, can offer insights and solutions for effectively reconciling marital conflicts arising from nusyūz. Marital disharmony, termed as nusyūz in Islamic contexts, can strain relationships and challenge the sanctity of marriage. This abstract explores the concept of nusyūz reconciliation through the insightful lens of Tafsir Maqāṣidī by Abdul Mustaqim, a renowned Islamic scholar known for his profound interpretations of Quranic teachings. Nusyūz, encompassing behaviors such as defiance, indifference, and discord, often arises from a myriad of factors including miscommunication, unmet expectations, and unresolved conflicts. The Tafsir Maqāṣidī approach by Abdul Mustaqim provides a distinctive vantage point to address nusyūz and its reconciliation, rooted in the deeper wisdom and intentions of Quranic guidance. Abdul Mustaqim's Tafsir Maqāṣidī encourages couples to engage with Quranic verses related to marriage with a focus on understanding the divine wisdom behind them. By delving into the intended spiritual growth, companionship, and mutual support outlined in these verses, couples can navigate nusyūz reconciliation with an aim to restore the essential values that underlie their union. Tafsir Maqāṣidī Abdul Mustaqim also highlights the role of seeking guidance and knowledge. Couples are encouraged to seek the insights of scholars well-versed in this interpretive method, like Abdul Mustaqim, to gain a deeper understanding of Quranic verses related to marital relationships. Furthermore, Tafsir Maqāṣidī highlights the significance of seeking knowledge and guidance. Couples can turn to scholars well-versed in this interpretive method to gain insights into the intended meanings behind Quranic verses related to marital relationships. These scholars can offer guidance tailored to the specific circumstances of the couple, enabling them to navigate nusyūz with wisdom and grace. In conclusion, nusyūz reconciliation, through the Tafsir Maqāṣidī perspective of Abdul Mustaqim, offers a profound approach to resolving marital conflicts. By immersing in the spiritual essence of marriage as elucidated in the Quran and interpreting it through Tafsir Maqāṣidī, couples embark on a transformative journey of introspection, empathy, and personal growth. Through alignment with Quranic principles, self-examination, and seeking the wisdom of scholars, couples can effectively address nusyūz and rekindle a harmonious and spiritually uplifting marital bond.


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