• Azmy Ali Muchtar Universitas Islam Jakarta
Keywords: Information Technology, Perspectives of Qs. Al-Jatsiah Verse 13


Globalization is one result of technological progress. The amount of incoming information has a negative impact on society. This is where the role of religion becomes very important in regulating and controlling the attitudes and behavior of its people so as not to fall into negative things. Technological progress that is not based on and is not accompanied by religion will be in vain, in fact it can backfire that can strike back. Basically, Islam with all its teachings and noble values is a very important component which balances technological progress. So these noble teachings and values must be instilled in the nation's children from an early age. One way is to always implement Islamic education in schools and society. The purpose of writing this article is to find out how QS.Al-Jatsiyah's perspective on information technology, how information technology should be used in the world of Islamic Education and to find out what are the other arguments in the Al-Qur'an and Hadith related to information technology . The result of this article is the Word of God in surah Al-Jatsiyah Verse 13 the sentence "subject" is a terminology in which Allah SWT commands humans to pay attention to the universe, Allah also orders humans to read and research. It is these commands that when applied will produce technology, Allah from the beginning declared sakhoro Lakum, Allah commands His servants to study and do research on existing technology. According to Islam, good ways to use social media and other electronic-based media include: straightening intentions, preventing bad things and spreading good things and not spreading hatred and not insulting other people.


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