• Rohyana Nur Isnaneny Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Self Interest, Islamic Bank, Interest


This study aims to explore the underlying reasons that influence the lack of interest in choosing to transact at Islamic banks. Rationality in economic transactions is based on three basic concepts: the basis of utility maximization and self-interest rationality, the concept of habit and routine and limited rationalization. This research is a type of qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, by taking informants from the area around the researcher, namely Purbalingga. The author collects data with interview techniques. Triangulation techniques were also carried out to ensure the validity of the data. The results of this study found seven themes causing the lack of public interest in Islamic banks, namely considerations of ease of transaction, the assumption that sharia is only a trend, Islamic banks are only for certain segments, Islamic banks are just waiting (not pick up the ball), unfamiliar with products and terms, following habits. and consideration of the advantages of transactions.


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