• Nugroho Prasetya Adi Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an
  • Robingun Suyud Elsyam universitas sains al-qur`an
  • Intan Masruroh S universitas sains al-qur`an
Hukum Fisika, Nilai Filosofis, Islam


The progress of science in the last few decades materially seems very good beyond the previous era, but these amazing developments on the other hand make many people more miserable, not finding happiness. Through the phenomenological approach to relationship goals between the law of physics and the philosophical values ​​of Islamic education, the study concludes: Pascal's theory educates us that the pressures of life are directly proportional to lifestyle, so spaciousness of heart is the key to overcoming this problem. The more luxurious a person's lifestyle is if it is not balanced with the breadth of the heart and mind, then the pressure of life that is felt will be even greater. The theory of constants is about moving from one state to another which is better. Starting with pressure, it is necessary to increase speed, maximum effort and still have energy, because the journey of life in the world is to find provisions in order to live eternally.


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