• Abdul Rohman UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Al-Furqân Interpretation A.Hassan’s, Interpretation Orientatios.


This Article discusses the orientation of the interpretation of Al-Furqân by Ahmad Hassan. The purpose of this paper is to find out the socio-intellectual contect behind the birth of the work of Al-Furqân interpretation and to find out the orientatios in the interpretation. The method used in writing this article is a qualitative method based on library research studies and the main object is the interpretation of Al-Furqân. The results obtained are that the context in which the interpretation of Al-Furqân was written was due to the socio-intellectual conditions of the people at the time Ahmad Hassan lived at the beginning of the 20th century in general they still adhere to conservative beliefs and the study of interpretation is still centered on several interpretations. So that the birth of this Al-Furqân interpretation is a reflection of Ahmad Hassan’s spirit of renewal and the renewal movement promoted by him. Than the orientation of the interpretation of Al-Furqân from its vaious aspects is obtainned that the orientation of Ahmad Hassan’s trust is Ahlu Sunah wal Jama’ah; in the terms of the orientation of the madzhab Ahmad Hassan not only to one madzhab; the orientation of the pattern that dominates the interpretation is the language pattern;  the orientasi of the general method used is the global method; and the finally, orientation of the sources used dominantly is the interpretation of bi ar-ra’yi.


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