Metode Make a Match Dalam Meningkatkan Penguasaan Nahwu: Eksperimen Siswa Kelas X MA Takhassus Al-Qur'an Wonosobo

  • Syalma Arafah Wonosobo
  • fatkhur rohman
  • Pamungkas Stiya Mulyani
Make a Match Learning Method, Nahwu Learning


This study aims to: 1) apply the make a match method to improve nahwu mastery in class X students of MA Takhassus Al-Qur'an Wonosobo; 2) find out the increase in nahwu mastery of students after applying the make a match method; 3) find out the differences in nahwu mastery between classes that apply the make a match method and classes that apply conventional methods.

This study used quantitative field research methods with experimental types. Where, the authors took a total of 52 students as a sample consisting of 26 students in the experimental class and 26 others in the control class. Before learning begins, a pretest is first carried out in both classes. After that, nahwu learning was carried out, where in the experimental class the make a match method was applied, while in the control class nahwu learning was carried out using conventional methods. After learning, a posttest was carried out in both classes. Furthermore, the pretest and posttest data were processed to find out whether there was an increase after applying the make a match method (using the N-Gain test) and whether there were differences in the assessment results between the experimental class that applied the make a match method and the control class that only applied the conventional method. (using the t-test).

The results of this study are as follows: 1) in learning nahwu at MA Takhasus Al Qur'an Wonosobo using the make a match learning method there are steps, namely, students in groups match cards related to nahwu material (eg cards dzorof types matched with meaning, characteristics, and examples); 2) there is an increase in nahwu mastery in the experimental class students by 0.50 which is included in the medium category and an increase of 0.27 for the control class in the low category; 3) there is a difference between the experimental class and the control class with tcount 5.71 > ttable 1.671 for a significance level of 5% and tcount 5.71 > ttable 2.401 for a significance level of 1%. So that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.


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How to Cite
ArafahS., rohman fatkhur, & MulyaniP. (2023, July 27). Metode Make a Match Dalam Meningkatkan Penguasaan Nahwu: Eksperimen Siswa Kelas X MA Takhassus Al-Qur’an Wonosobo. LINCA: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, 1(1), 28-36. Retrieved from


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