Author Guidlines

Manuscript submission instructions

  1. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material in which they do not own copyright, to be used in both print and electronic media, and for ensuring that appropriate acknowledgement is included in their manuscript.
  2. The journal accepts a manuscript on the understanding that its content is original and that it had not been accepted for publication or review elsewhere. Once accepted for publication, copyright resides with the journal. Rejected manuscripts will not be returned.
  3. Manuscripts must be submitted online in MS-Word format at Author Guideline .
  4. Any enquiries should be directed to
  5. Authors are also responsible for online acknowledgement of the statement of ethical contributions to ARKANA: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media.
  6. Authors should follow the ARKANA Template.
  7. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed. Please do not put author(s) name and institution(s) into manuscript.

Manuscript preparation
All pages should be double-spaced, Cambria Heding font size 11 (including references) with 1-inch margins on all sides and must be between 5000-7000 words in length, including references, tables, and appendices. Your manuscript should include in a single file: (1) title and abstract, (2) text with endnotes, (3) references, (4) tables, (5) figures or illustrations, and (6) appendices.

  1. The title and the abstract should be on one page. The abstract should not exceed 200 words. This page should not contain any indication of the identification of the author(s). Below the abstract, include a list of six or more keywords that represent your article.
  2. Footnotes should not be used, except for additional information. Endnotes should be kept to a minimum and indicated by superscript Arabic numbers in the text. They should be double-spaced and not include displayed formulae or tables.
  3. All References in the manuscript should use Mendeley Reference Manager with APA Style.
  4. Tables should be numbered consecutively in the text, with a note inserted to indicate placement. Each table should be on a separate page with a descriptive title and headings for columns and rows. Gather general notes to tables as "Note:" or "Notes:" and use a, b, c, etc., for table footnotes. Asterisks , *, and/or * indicate significance at the p<.05, p<.01, and p<.001 levels, respectively.
  5. Figures or illustrations for accepted manuscripts should be numbered consecutively and in professional-quality, camera-ready form in black ink on white paper. Each should have a caption and lettering should be legible after reduction to size and also should be on a separate page.
  6. Appendices should be lettered to distinguish them from numbered tables and figures in the text. Each appendix should include a descriptive title.