This study discusses the researchers' interest in parenting patterns with problems in the development of self-confidence in early childhood. This study aims to determine: 1) What is the type of parenting style of parents in early childhood, 2) How is the level of self-confidence development in early childhood, and 3) How is the relationship between parenting patterns and the development of self-confidence in early childhood? In this study, the type of research used was a quantitative correlation with a population of 56 children. Data were collected using questionnaires, observation sheets, and documentation. In this study, the analysis used in data processing is by using chi-square and product moment techniques assisted by using the SPSS 20 application. Where the research results obtained indicate that the type of parenting applied by children is authoritarian parenting of 63 .6%, democratic parenting 29.5% and permissive parenting 6.9% Good level of self-confidence development with a percentage gain of 14.3%, selfconfidence development is quite good at 71.4% and self-confidence development which is not good at 14.3%. And the positive relationship between parenting and the development of children's self-confidence, as evidenced by the results of chi-square with Asymp. Sig is 0.030 < 0.05 and it is also proven from the results of r = 0.744 n p = 0.000. Thus, democratic parenting that is applied properly will encourage the development of good self-confidence. There is no positive relationship between authoritarian parenting and permissive parenting with the development of self-confidence. Thus, the relationship between parenting and the development of self-confidence in children with democratic parenting will have a good impact on children, while using authoritarian parenting will provide sufficient or poor self-confidence development, this is similar to using permissive parenting.
Keywords: Parenting, Parent, Confidence