the S.T
unsignalized intersection, intersection 4 grabag market, MKJI 1997
The intersection of 4 Grabag markets, Magelang district is the main route for residents of Grabag District, Magelang Regency, to travel to other sub-districts or districts. In connection with this, this research was conducted to determine the performance of the intersection and optimization efforts so that road users feel safe and comfortable.
In this study, using the 1997 MKJI as a guide to assess the performance of the intersection and its optimization efforts.
For primary data, a direct survey was conducted to the location to collect data on the average daily traffic (LHR) and the geometric conditions of the intersection. For secondary data, namely data on the population of Magelang Regency in 2021 and a map of the road network.
The results of this study indicate that the performance of the 4th intersection of the Grabag market, Magelang Regency has a degree of saturation (DS) of 0.82, and a delay (D) of 13.628 seconds/pcu, with a service level index (ITP) C. With the results of this performance, it is necessary to have a optimization efforts to reduce the value of the degree of saturation (DS). Efforts to optimize the performance of this intersection is to provide traffic lights. The maximum signaled intersection performance is with a 2-phase setting in which each arm has a degree of saturation (DS) value of less than 0.75 as required by MKJI 1997, with a service level index (ITP) for all arms B.
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