'dib (Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Peradaban Islam)2024-12-11T15:06:06+07:00Rifqi Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Peradaban Islam</p> KELUARGA SEJAHTERA DAN KELUARGA SAKINAH2024-08-20T13:22:33+07:00Rifqi<p><em>Basically every individual wants a prosperous family. Nevertheless, many factors do affect a person's low level of well-being. Just asa family is the perfect goal for each couple, the perfect family needs a number of factors to achieve that level.</em></p> <p><em>The study uses qualitative methods that stand for the reality of events in a direct field, primary data obtained from interviews with families in the Village of Siroto Village Bumitirto District Selomerto Wonosobo District. Secondary data was obtained from books and other sources related to the study. Data obtained from the field is then examined and analyzed and arrived at conclusions.. </em></p> <p><em>The study shows that, based on family indicators of prosperity by BKKBN, families in the Siroto Village of Bumitirto District Selomerto Wonosobo District, are still in efforts to increase the family stage and prosper to a higher level. This is because the majority of families still survive the prosperous I stage, as well as the fulfillment of an aspect of the family's assessment by the ministry of religion of RI, the family in the Village of Siroto is lacking in theory and legal understanding and general knowledge. But it is offset by the practices and practices of daily life as well as the tribal life of siroto village</em><em>.</em></p>2023-01-09T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## HUMANISME PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DALAM KERANGKA TIPOLOGI MAZHAB FILSAFAT ISLAM2024-09-05T09:14:59+07:00Robiah AdawiyahArobiah621@gmail.comRohatun<p><em>The dialectic of Islamic education philosophy, as viewed through the lenses of three main schools of thought - Peripatetic (mashsha'iya), Illuminationist (Isyraqiyah), and Sufi (Irfan) - revolves around the concept of theocentric humanism. This contrasts with the anthropocentric humanism prevalent in Western modern philosophy. In Western thought, humanism often emphasizes human-centered freedoms and rights. However, in Islamic philosophy, particularly within the framework of education, humanism takes on a theocentric dimension. This means that humanism is centered around and guided by the divine or the concept of God. The emphasis is not solely on human autonomy and freedom but also on aligning human actions and aspirations with divine guidance and purpose. In summary, the philosophy of Islamic education as articulated by scholars thought reflects a theocentric humanism that emphasizes the spiritual and intellectual dimensions of human existence, affirming that true education is ultimately about aligning oneself with the divine will and wisdom.</em></p>2023-01-09T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MEDIA SOSIAL TIK TOK TERHADAP PERILAKU SISWA SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA NEGERI 06 REJANG LEBONG2024-12-11T15:06:06+07:00Eli<p>This research is motivated by the development of increasingly modern technology, along with the birth of various new technologies such as smartphones, tablets and various other increasingly sophisticated devices, thereby helping students' futures, especially the increasingly sophisticated social media TikTok. . It is widely sought after and used by students. Apart from being used as a means of entertainment, there are lots of uploads that damage students' morals and behavior. This type of research is qualitative descriptive research to systematically describe the facts found based on observations, interviews and other documents.</p> <p> The objects of this research were teachers and students of SMPN 06 Rejang Lebong, and the data collection procedures used were structured interviews and documentation. Data analysis is carried out by reviewing existing data, then carrying out data reduction, presenting data, drawing conclusions and the final stage of data analysis. Data validity using persistent triangulation observations. From the research carried out, the following results were obtained: The impact of Tik Tok social media on student behavior, more negative impacts were seen, such as students not studying enough, playing with cellphones more than opening books.</p> <p>Students also don't care about the environment, gather to discuss viral things on TikTok social media and make videos together and dance together. Students are still very susceptible to being influenced by the environment, not to mention that students are not yet able to control themselves about what is good and what is bad, whereas the Tik Tok application certainly has positive and negative impacts. Students have been using the Tik Tok application for a long time with the sole aim of filling their free time, even as entertainment for them when they get bored after studying. This is of course a very worrying thing for children's future, apart from being used as a means of entertainment, there are lots of posts that damage children's morals and behavior. Therefore, it is necessary for parents to supervise their children in using social media, so that their children's character is maintained as moral, ethical and noble.</p>2023-01-09T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##