Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Journal Systems<p align="justify">SPEKTRA: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Sains is accredited national journal (Sinta 3) that published by Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Education and Teaching, Universitas Sains Al-Quran in collaboration with Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII) and Indonesian Society for Science Educators and Physical Society Indonesia (PSI). Number of ISSN are E-ISSN: 2548-642X and P-ISSN:2442-9910. This journal reviews the results of research or conceptual studies in the science and applied science field. First published in 2015 and published every 6 months.</p> ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL TEACHING MATERIALS WITH STEM APPROACH AND FLIP BOOK-FORMED TO IMPROVE SELF-REGULATED SKILLS FOR PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS2024-10-03T12:10:10+07:00Apit Auliya Kurdiatilintang@gmail.comSyarifudin Syarifudinsyarif@gmail.comEsti Susiloningsihesti@gmail.comRani Mega<p>Technology-integrated teaching resources are a valuable tool for enhancing the teaching and learning process. Students attain less than optimal learning objectives and master competencies when innovative approaches to using technology-integrated instructional materials are not taken. In order to improve the self-regulated learning skills of students in pre-service teacher professional education programs, this research aims to identify the need for opportunities to develop interactive digital teaching materials with a STEM approach in New Technology in Teaching and Learning courses that are integrated with flip book-formed technology. A qualitative design was employed in the conduct of this study. A requirements analysis questionnaire is used in conjunction with interviews as part of the data collection method. The study's findings demonstrate that students in pre-service teachers' professional education programs typically read lecturer-provided reference books and use instructional materials from the Ministry of Education. The study's findings also demonstrate that students' opinions about the possibility of creating and using flip books to support the use of interactive digital teaching resources with a STEM approach are favorable. It is intended that the findings of this study will serve as a foundation for future research as it relates to creating and utilizing flip book-formed STEM interactive digital teaching materials to support pre-service teachers' professional development.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## STUDENTS’ CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS IN SCIENCE LEARNING THROUGH AN INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM2024-10-02T08:33:49+07:00Annisa Nur Faujiahannisafaujiah006@gmail.comRetno Triwoelandariretno@gmail.comAhmad Mulyadi<p>The low level of students' critical thinking skills is due to the fact that in the learning process students are not trained to think critically. This research has objectives including 1) knowing students' critical thinking skills in science lessons in grade 4, 2) knowing the application of the independent curriculum in science lessons in grade 4, and 3) knowing the inhibiting factors and supporting factors in improving students’ critical thinking skills in science lessons in grade 4. This research method is mixed methods with a concurrent triangulation model. The sample used, namely class 4B students with a total of 44 students. Quantitative data collection techniques were tests. Meanwhile, qualitative data collection techniques were observation, interviews, and documentation. The results obtained show that students' critical thinking skills after the implementation of the independent curriculum in science lessons in grade 4 have increased which is indicated by the increase in the average value of students' posttests worth 87,86. Based on the results of the paired sample t-test, the Sig. (2-tailed) 0,000 < 0,05. So, this shows that there are differences in students' critical thinking skills before and after the implementation of the independent curriculum in science lessons in grade 4 SDIT Baitussalam. Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of an independent curriculum in science lessons can improve students' critical thinking skills.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## APPLICATION OF CONSTRUCTIVISM LEARNING THEORY ON THE MOTIVATION AND QUALITY OF QUR'AN MEMORIZATION OF COLLEGE STUDENTS2024-10-18T09:04:21+07:00Citra<p>Education is an important part in the formation of qualified and<br>competitive individuals. In the educational process, learning becomes<br>the core that influences students to internalize the knowledge and<br>skills taught. In an effort to improve the effectiveness of learning,<br>learning theory becomes an important foundation to consider. One of<br>them is constructivism learning theory. This study focuses on the<br>effect of constructivism learning theory on motivation and<br>memorization quality using quantitative research methods. The<br>motivation and quality of memorization of female students are<br>improved through the approach of constructivism learning theory.<br>Female students not only focus on memorizing the Qur'an, but also on<br>understanding the context and significance of these concepts.<br>Constructivism encourages individuals to make connections between<br>new concepts and prior knowledge. The sampling technique used<br>purposive sampling technique from a total population of 95 and the<br>sample taken was 75 female students of the IAI Tazkia Hafidzpreneur<br>program class of 2020. The results showed that Constructivism<br>learning has an influence on student motivation. This is evidenced by<br>the sig value of 0,000 which is smaller than 0,05 and the t value of<br>10,396 is greater than the t table value of 1,993. While in the variable<br>of Constructivism Learning Theory with Memorization Quality, the<br>sig value of 0,000 is smaller than 0,05 and the t value of 10,283 is<br>greater than the t table value of 1,993.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## IPA THROUGH ICARE MODEL TO IMPROVE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF STUDENTS2024-10-18T09:05:19+07:00Salwa<p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kegiatan pembelajaran IPA tidak akan lengkap tanpa adanya latihan praktik. Melalui penggunaan media dalam kegiatan eksperimen, seperti penggunaan media KIT IPA, konten pembelajaran dapat langsung diserap. Pada kenyataannya, KIT IPA masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan. KIT IPA yang tidak digunakan akan rusak setelah dipelajari sehingga tidak dapat digunakan lagi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tujuan pembelajaran siswa SMP kelas VII dan menilai seberapa baik KIT IPA bekerja dengan model ICARE ketika diterapkan pada konten gerak dan gaya. Metode tes merupakan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Alat yang diberikan berbentuk tes hasil belajar kognitif. Berdasarkan data, persentase kategori baik kelas eksperimen sebesar 71%, sedangkan persentase kategori cukup kelas kontrol sebesar 49%. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa hasil belajar kognitif siswa SMP kelas VII pada materi gerak dan gaya dapat terpenuhi secara efektif dengan menggunakan KIT IPA melalui paradigma ICARE.</span></span></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE PRACTICUM WORKSHEET 'THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON CATALASE ENZYME ACTIVITY2024-10-18T09:06:06+07:00Anggia Fitri Damayantianggiafitrid@upi.eduSuhara Suharasuhara@gmail.comBambang Supriatnobambang@gmail.comAmprasto<p>Practicum is a learning activity that can develop students' cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities. Practicum activities are very important, especially in biology learning. One of the concepts in biology that can be explored through practicum is the activity of the enzyme catalase. This study aims to analyze the practicum worksheet on catalase enzyme activity, specifically focusing on the effect of temperature on catalase activity. The analysis is conducted using Novak & Gowin's vee diagram, which includes focus question, object/event, theory/concept, record/transformation, and knowledge claim. The reconstruction of the practicum procedure is carried out to ensure that the activities align with the fundamental concepts being studied. This allows students to link the practicum procedures with the underlying concepts, enabling them to analyze and build their understanding of the effect of temperature on catalase enzyme activity.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## TEACHING MATERIALS TO IMPROVE COGNITIVE LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSISTED BY CHOOSING NUMBERS ON STATIC ELECTRICITY MATERIAL2024-10-02T08:34:50+07:00Asri Rahmadrahmad@gmail.comZulhelmi<p><em>Examining the effects of Choose Number-assisted Quantum Teaching on students' cognitive learning outcomes is the goal of this study. The participants in this research were Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru class IX MTs students. Quasi Experimental Design with Posttest-Only Control Design is the research design used in this type of study. Research tools for cognitive learning outcomes that employ objective assessments. Both inferential analysis and descriptive analysis were used to examine the study's findings. Descriptive analysis revealed that when students used Quantum Teaching with Choose Number support, their average cognitive learning results improved. There was a substantial change in the cognitive learning outcomes of students following the implementation of quantum teaching, despite the fact that the data were inferentially examined using the t-test using independent sample t-test technique.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPACT OF UTILIZING INTERACTIVE CONCEPTUAL INSTRUCTION ASSISTED BY PHET SIMULATIONS ON STUDENTS' UNDERSTANDING ABILITY IN PHYSICS2024-10-18T09:06:38+07:00M<p>The objective of this study is to assess the effects of employing Interactive Conceptual Instruction with the assistance of PhET Simulations on students' understanding ability in the field of physics. The study employed a quasi-experimental research approach, specifically utilizing a matching-only pretest-posttest control group design. The sample consisted of 62 students from a high school in Indonesia. The utilized instrument was a understanding ability test in the modified Bloom's Taxonomy. The acquired data were subjected to analysis using t-test and N-Gain. There is a significant difference in the understanding of abilities among students who are enrolled in interactive conceptual instruction facilitated by PhET simulation compared to those who are enrolled in interactive conceptual instruction without any assistance from PhET simulation. The findings of the study indicate that the utilization of Interactive Conceptual Instruction Assisted by PhET Simulations has the potential to enhance students' understanding ability in the field of physics.</p>2024-10-07T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## OF TEAM GAME TOUR APPLICATION OF CONTEXTUALISED ELECTRICITY KIT ON DYNAMIC ELECTRICITY MATERIAL TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS2024-10-18T09:12:55+07:00Atthahiriyah<p>In the 4.0 industrial revolution, students need to be able to think critically in order to keep up with the speed at which technology is developing. The purpose of this study is to compare students' critical thinking abilities in lessons using contextualized electrical KIT versus those using regular learning methods. A quasi-experiment with a control group limited to the post-test was the study methodology employed. This study used a sample of 73 students from experimental and control courses at SMP Negeri 23 Pekanbaru. Up to 10 items from the critical thinking ability post-test were used as the data gathering method. The findings demonstrated that the experimental class's average critical thinking abilities outperformed the control class's in every indication in terms of percentage of achievement. The experimental class's average percentage of achievement fell into the moderate group at 59.0%, whereas the control class's percentage fell into the bad category at 46.7%. Therefore, it can be said that using contextualized electrical KIT to teach dynamic electricity content helps students develop their critical thinking abilities.</p>2024-10-15T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## EFFECTIVENESS OF AUDIO VISUAL-ASSISTED PROBLEM BASED LEARNING IN IMPROVING STUDENTS' COGNITIVE AND PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITIES ON ALTERNATIVE ENERGY MATERIALS2024-10-18T09:15:12+07:00Hana Putri Azzahrahanaptrazz@upi.eduParlindungan Sinagapsinaga@upi.eduAgus<table width="590"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="387"> <p>The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of the problem based learning model assisted by visual audio to improve students' cognitive abilities and problem solving abilities in alternative energy materials. The research method used is a quantitative quasi experimental design method. The population chosen in this research were class XI students at a private high school in the city of Bandung. The sample for this research consisted of 66 students. The sampling technique used was convenienc sampling. The instrument used consisted of 14 questions for cognitive abilities and 21 questions for problem solving abilities. The data analysis technique used to determine cognitive abilities and problem solving abilities uses N-Gain calculations. The results of the research showed that classes that applied the problem based learning model assisted by visual audio had higher increases in cognitive abilities and problem solving abilities compared to classes that only used the problem based learning model. In the experimental class, the N-Gain value for cognitive ability was <g> = 0.84, included in the "High" category and for problem solving ability <g> = 0.79, included in the "High" category. Meanwhile, the control class for cognitive abilities has an N-Gain value of <g> = 0.35, which is in the "Medium" category and for problem solving abilities of <g> = 0.58, which is in the "Medium" category.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2024-10-10T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## OF TEAM GAME TOURNAMENT MODEL ASSISTED WORDWALL ON SCIENCE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF CLASS V2024-10-18T08:51:58+07:00Wianda Puspita Rahayuwiandapuspitaa@gmail.comK<p>The goals of this study was to assess evaluate the efectivity of science learning outcomes by Team Games Tournament learning model assisted Wordwall for V grade students. This kind of study has a nonequivalent control group design especially quasi-experimental. In this study, the entire population of 2 classes was used as a research sample with saturated sample technique, In the experimental class, the team game tournament model was treated using an assisted wordwall, whereas the control group used a traditional model. Multiple-choice questions based on pretest-posttest learning outcomes are used to collect data. The experimental class scored an average of 53.26 on the pretest, while the control class scored 49.52. Next, the experimental class scored 82.17 on the posttest, while the control class scored 61.90. based on the findings of a hypothesis test run with the SPSS V23 application, it produces sig (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, this means that the Team Game Tournament model assisted Wordwall is effective on grade V science learning outcomes, with the results of increasing scores using the N-Gain percentage = 67%, meaning that the Team Game Tournament model assisted by Wordwall in the experimental class is effective with the "quite effective" category.</p>2024-10-10T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## TEACHING MATERIALS WITH ETHNO, INQUIRY, AND PROJECT APPROACHES TO IMPROVE MULTIPLE SKILLS OF PROSPECTIVE EDUCATORS2024-10-18T09:09:21+07:00Muhammad<p>This study explores the effectiveness of integrating Ethno-Inquiry-Project approaches into physics education to enhance the multiple skills of prospective physics educators. The primary objective is to develop teaching materials that connect physics concepts with local cultural contexts to improve critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration skills. Utilizing a Research and Development (R&D) methodology based on the 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate), the study involved 40 third-semester physics education students at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. The development process included literature review, preliminary studies, expert validation, and field trials. Validation results indicated high feasibility, with significant improvements in students' skills: critical thinking (30%), problem-solving (36.67%), collaboration (25.71%), and communication (26.47%). Observations confirmed active student engagement and effective group collaboration. The findings demonstrate that the EIP approach not only deepens understanding of physics concepts but also integrates cultural relevance, making learning more engaging and applicable. These results suggest broad implications for enhancing physics education by incorporating local contexts, thus providing a holistic learning experience that prepares future educators for 21st-century challenges. Further research is recommended to generalize findings across diverse educational settings and explore long-term impacts. This study underscores the potential of EIP-based teaching materials to significantly improve the quality of physics education and the skill sets of future educators.</p>2024-10-10T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPACT OF FLASHCARD MEDIA ON STUDENT COGNITIVE IMPROVEMENT IN IPAS SUBJECTS AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL2024-10-18T09:09:57+07:00shafa audrey maharanishafaudrey@gmail.comDita Prihatna<p>In learning activities, problems are still found such as difficulties when explaining the material because there is no concrete learning media so that students' cognitive improvement is not optimal, cognitive abilities in elementary schools still need to be improved. This study aims to develop interactive learning media in the form of Flashcard to improve cognitive grade I elementary school students, with experimental and control types of research on quantitative approaches. The data collection method uses Pretest and Postest questions, with the research population of all 1A class students totaling 25 students and 1C totaling 20 students. The data collected was obtained by independent sample t test because the data was normal. This study concludes the use of Flashcard learning media for cognitive enhancement in class I, this is indicated by the sig value. 0.000 < 0.05 which indicates there is a difference before and after giving action. Therefore, it is stated that the initial hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. So it can be concluded that Flashcard are feasible to use in helping students for the learning process so as to improve the cognitive</p> <p>of grade I elementary school students</p>2024-10-10T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## OF INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM TEACHING MODULES BASED ON LOCAL WISDOM TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS2024-10-18T08:52:50+07:00Nilma Apriantinilmaaprianti99@gmail.comMuhammad Arsyadarsyad@gmail.comPariabti<p>This study is Research and Development (R&D). Development was conducted by referring to the ADDIE model. The ADDIE stages included the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. This development research aims to: (1) produce independent curriculum teaching modules based on local wisdom to improve students' critical thinking skills that meet valid criteria, (2) produce independent curriculum teaching modules based on local wisdom to improve students' critical thinking skills that meet practical criteria, (3) describe the effectiveness of using independent curriculum teaching modules based on local wisdom to improve the developed critical thinking skills of students. The test subjects for this research were 35 students in grade X.B of SMAN Negeri 12 Luwu. The instruments used in this research were validation sheets for teaching modules based on local wisdom, practitioner assessment questionnaires, namely Physics subject teachers, and critical thinking skills test instruments. The eligibility criteria for teaching modules were based on the content validity aspect. The criteria for the practicality of the Physics teaching modules were based on the assessment of practitioners (Physics teachers), and the criteria for the effectiveness of using local wisdom-based teaching modules were based on the increase in students' critical thinking skills test results. Based on the results of the analysis, the conclusions obtained are: (1) the validity of the independent curriculum teaching modules based on local wisdom which had been developed, based on the results of the Aiken's V content validity coefficient has met the valid/feasible category; (2) the practitioners' responses to the independent curriculum teaching modules based on local wisdom which had been developed, gave positive responses in very good category; (3) the effectiveness of using independent curriculum teaching modules based on local wisdom with a percentage of 57% is in effective category. This means that the local wisdom-based teaching module that had been developed is effective in improving students' critical thinking skills.</p>2024-10-10T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## (LECTURE, TEACHER, AND STUDENTS) ON SCIENCE TEACHING PROCESS FOR PPL PHYSICS STUDENT2024-12-04T20:04:11+07:00nugroho prasetya adiramaajie01@gmail.comLutfatul Latifahramaajie01@gmail.comFirdaus Firdausramaajie01@gmail.comIntan Masruroh Swastikaramaajie01@gmail.comIntan Masruroh<p>The Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) program is an effort to introduce prospective teacher students to the world of their profession. Praktik Pengalaman lapangan is one of the best programs of the Faculty of Teaching Education (FITK), Sains Al-Qur’an University in providing opportunities for its students to practice teaching directly in the field. The research is used a field research in qualitative. Qualititative is a type of research that is observing an object then data was analyzed using descriptive. This research was used questionnaire of student response to collect the data. The data of this research were analyzed using descriptive and student response. Based on the data analysis carried out, it was concluded that students had very good science teaching abilities based on the assessments of lecturers and teachers, as well as good based on student assessments of the learning process carried out by UNSIQ PPL students majoring in physics education.</p>2024-12-04T20:04:11+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## NASI TUM INNOVATION WITH VARIATION MATERIAL TO IMPROVE CHEMICAL REACTION LEARNING PROCESS AND STUDENT PRENEURSHIP2024-12-20T11:43:50+07:00Purba Rhisma Sri Ariyanimilaariy2009@gmail.comDesty Putri<p>Tum rice is a traditional food that is a commodity for the Wadaslintang community. This product can be processed and innovated into fast food. The aim of this research is to understand the concept of chemical reaction rates through the symptoms that occur during the process of making instant tum rice and developing it into a student entrepreneurial product. This research methods used a quantitative, using experiments, pretest and posttest, as well as product assessment methods involving experts. The results obtained are the creation of fast food tum rice, innovation in the form of fast food tum rice which is present to bridge the needs of a fast-paced lifestyle, making people tend to choose instant or fast food without sacrificing aspects of tradition and local wisdom, increasing students' understanding of chemical reaction pathways, as well as improving students' studentpreneur skills which is a strategic step to prepare them to face the challenges of the world of work and business in the future. The impact is that there is a tum rice instant solution that is long-lasting and can be prepared and enjoyed at any time. Instant tum rice is suitable for those who are busy and need fast food but still want to enjoy traditional tastes. Whether at home, the office or when traveling, instant rice tum can be a practical and filling food choice</p>2024-12-20T11:43:50+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##