Resolusi: Jurnal Sosial Politik <p><em>Resolusi: Jurnal Sosial Politik&nbsp;</em>serves as a platform for disseminating original research, analysis, and commentary on social and political developments. The journal fosters innovative collaboration across disciplines and encourages dialogue among different fields of study from&nbsp;scholars and practitioners.</p> <p><em>Resolusi</em>&nbsp;is published biannually in January-June and July-December.</p> en-US <p>By submitting a manuscript, the authors understand that if accepted for publication, the authors hold and retain their article’s copyright. The copyright is without any restriction.</p> <p>As the publisher of <em>Resolusi: Jurnal Sosial Politik</em>, the Department of Political Science - Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an attempts its best to facilitate everyone who wish to publish their article by ensuring that every article meets academic rules and ethics.</p> (Ahmad Anwar) (Muflih Fahmi Kaunain) Sun, 06 Oct 2024 19:07:56 +0700 OJS 60 India's Strategic Considerations With Russia In The Post-Russia-Ukraine War Era <p><em>This article examines India's strategic considerations in the aftermath of the Russia crisis, explicitly focusing on India-Russia relations. The article analyses the factors influencing India's approach towards Russia, particularly in defense cooperation while considering the implications of China's rising influence on India's strategic calculations. By conducting a case study of India-Russia relations, the paper investigates the dynamics of defense collaboration, the significance of Russia as a defense partner for India, and the evolving regional security landscape shaped by China's ascent. The research provides insights into India's strategic alignments and decision-making processes in the post-Russia crisis era, considering Russia's new foreign policy emphasizing India and China. Furthermore, the paper examines the encircling impact of China's rising influence in South Asia on India, highlighting India's abstention in the UN General Assembly resolution condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a reflection of its difficult position amidst these geopolitical developments. The findings of this research contribute to the understanding of India's strategic responses and decision-making frameworks in the context of shifting regional dynamics, considering the implications of Russia's foreign policy approach and China's growing power.</em></p> Loc Hai My Tran ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 06 Oct 2024 18:55:49 +0700 The North Korea's Nuclear Threat: A Case Study of the Security Dilemma in East Asia <p><em>The purpose of this study is to analyze the security dilemma of this concept when examining East Asian states' responses to North Korea's nuclear weapons. It is a concept of international relations, which advocates a state in which one country strengthens its national security while reducing the security of another country. North Korea's claim that its nuclear program is self-defense is a security dilemma, but the sole threat to its neighbor is sparking a response from East Asian nations. Under the threat of North Korean nuclear weapons, East Asian countries choose to ensure national security by enhancing military capabilities and strengthening military alliances. The method used in this study is qualitative. The results of this study suggest that the concept of security dilemma is a concept that can describe the responses of East Asian countries to North Korea's security dilemma. Responses by regional states such as China, South Korea, and Japan have led to increased military capabilities to protect their own countries in an attempt to maintain superpower alliances. The analysis of the case study can be demonstrated by implementing the factor dynamic Asian map of the security dilemma process of the case study, the response of East Asian countries to North Korea's nuclear weapons.</em></p> Dwi Ardiyanti, Stivani Ismawira Sinambela ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 19 Dec 2024 17:28:55 +0700 Peran Dinamis Generasi Muda Dalam Mendorong Partisipasi Politik di Indonesia <p><em>The younger generation plays a crucial role in promoting political participation in Indonesia, especially in the context of advancing democracy. This article discusses the dynamic role of young people in stimulating political voice and action for the future of Indonesia. In recent decades, youth involvement in politics has significantly changed, with an increasing awareness of political rights and the advancement of technology, making information more accessible. Despite challenges such as low trust in the political system and gaps in access to political education, Indonesian youth are becoming more active on various political platforms, both directly and through social media. Using a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative case studies, this research aims to provide insights into how the younger generation can more effectively advocate for their political interests. A total of 69 respondents from various social, educational, and geographical backgrounds participated in the quantitative survey through an online questionnaire. This study also involves qualitative analysis through in-depth interviews and case studies, exploring internal and external factors that influence youth political participation. The findings of this research are expected to encourage more inclusive and sustainable changes in the future.</em></p> Nur Azizah, Anita Trisiana, Agung Yulianto, Aprillia Puspita Dewi, Feni Febriyanti, Valecia Putri Andini ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Jan 2025 04:24:33 +0700 Peran G20 dalam Pemulihan Ekonomi Global Pasca Covid-19 <p><em>Covid-19 pandemic has caused countries to experience economic downturn, especially countries that are categorized as vulnerable and fragile. The G20, as one of the intergovernmental forums, was encouraged by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to take part in the economic recovery effort. The Debt Service Suspension Initiative program (DSSI) is taken, aimed at countries that are categorized as vulnerable and fragile. DSSI is aimed to provide debt relief to ease financial burden from the countries during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a qualitative research method, exploring the issue through literature review. Angola, Pakistan and Somalia as the three countries that received the largest debt suspension based on World Bank data are used as the sample. The international regime theory is also used to analyze the role of G20 in providing debt service suspension. The result from the study is that the debt service suspension has positively impact Angola and Somalia. G20, as an international regime has also followed the principles it recognizes since its establishment and has set of rules and procedures related to the debt suspension initiative through the G20 Action Plan. In addition, G20 also acknowledges the existence of global macroeconomic interdependence, hence G20 established DSSI for countries in the vulnerable and fragile categories.</em></p> Yanuar Rahmadan, Rorina Sabrina ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 02 Jan 2025 04:58:06 +0700 Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Masyarakat di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Bandung Barat <p><em>This study aims to determine and analyze how much influence service quality has on public satisfaction at the Population and Civil Registration Office of West Bandung Regency. The research method in this study is quantitative descriptive, with the Independent Variable being Service Quality with indicators of Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy. While the Dependent Variable is Public Satisfaction, with indicators. Conformity to expectations, Interest in revisiting, Willingness to recommend. Data collection techniques by means of surveys, observation and documentation. Based on the results of the study and discussion regarding the influence of service quality on public satisfaction at the Population and Civil Registration Office, it has an influence. Service Quality can explain the dependent variable, namely Public Satisfaction by 38.7%, while the remaining 61.3% is explained by other factors or variables. Thus, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted.</em></p> Siti Munawaroh, Widuri Wulandari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 26 Jan 2025 02:19:47 +0700