Al-Thariq, Tradisi, Living Qur'an
Many Islamic boarding schools make the recitation of certain surahs contained in the Qur’an a daily amaliyah or wirid tradition. The recitation of certain surahs has various purposes from each hut, some aim to facilitate rizki, as a shield of self-care, as a hope of forgiving sins and so on. Usually the practice of reading certain surahs in the Qur’an is based on hadiths delivered by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In the Miftahul Huda Turen Islamic Boarding School, every morning before dawn prayers there is a recitation of Q.S al-Thariq. Q.S al-Thariq himself discusses the day of resurrection, the afterlife, the calculation of charity (hisab), and vengeance. Surah al-Thariq also deals with the creation of man from a non-existent being into existence. By Miftahul Huda Turen Islamic Boarding School, the recitation of Q.S al-Thariq is used as a daily wirid. In fact, the reading of Q.S al-Thariq as a daily wirid in Islamic boarding schools is still rarely done, especially among the community. The selection of Q.S al-Thariq as a daily wirid has the aim that the daily needs of the Miftahul Huda Turen Islamic Boarding School and all students there can be fulfilled and fulfilled. In practice, the recitation of Q.S al-Thariq at Miftahul Huda Turen Islamic Boarding School is read 3 times before dawn prayers.
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Wawancara dengan Ustadz Saiful Abidin, tanggal 8 Juni 2023.