The background to this research is that in Indonesia technological developments are increasingly advanced, Artificial Intelligence technology, for example, a technology that is being widely discussed in the current era. The use of Artificial Intelligence is often unethical. Technology which should be a convenience in this era actually results in various deviations. This is triggered by use that is not based on the awareness and responsibility of the users. So this technology is often used hedonically by its users. Not only that, it also causes a moral and character crisis in its users, starting from children to adults.The objectives of this research are 1) To find out what Artificial Intelligence is 2) To find out how to interpret the Al Quran Surah Thaha verses 83-98 which discusses Artificial Intelligence 3) To find out the steps to build awareness and responsibility for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI ) the wise. This type of research is qualitative research (library research) with a qualitative approach. The data source is obtained through documentation from various books, a number of articles related to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Then the data that has been obtained is analyzed by analyzing the content of the data (content analysis) then draw a conclusion.The results of this research include: firstly, Artificial Intelligence or artificial intelligence, which is more popularly called Al, is a part of computer science that makes machines (computers) able to do work like and as well as that done by humans, even better than what humans do. . Second, the Qur’an surah Thaha verses 83 -98 interprets artificial intelligence as nothing new. Because in fact artificial intelligence was mentioned in the Qur’an, Surah Thaha, verses 83-98, at the time of Prophet Musa (a.s.). A high level of awareness and responsibility is needed in users of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in order to use this technology wisely and usefully. Third, there are several steps that can be taken to ensure the wise use of artificial intelligence, such as understanding the potential and limitations of AI, choosing AI tools. Ensure data quality, maintain security and privacy, apply AI ethics, improve user skills, collaborate AI with humans, remain vigilant and responsible, educate and involve the general public and always think long term