Kafa’ah Dalam Pernikahan

(Studi Analisis Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Al Qur’an Surat An Nur Ayat 26)

  • Sasmito - UNSIQ


Marriage is a noble worship, the Qur'an calls it a mitsaqan ghalidzan or a strong agreement. That's why marriages are carried out perfectly and follow the rules set by Allah SWT and His Messenger in order to achieve a calm, full of love and affection household, marriage is recommended to consider the aspect of Kafa’ah although in this case it does not determine whether a marriage is valid or not. Kafa’ah is recommended because it is a factor that can encourage the creation of husband and wife happiness, and guarantees the safety of women from failure and domestic turmoil, if you look at the social reality the rise of disharmony in a marriage is the result of disproportion or not being equal between two partners, here we will see how Kafa’ah is in marriage in the interpretation of Imam Ibn Kathir's letter An-Nur verse 26.

Based on the problems above, this study aims to find out how. Kafa’ah in Marriage (Study of Analytical Interpretation of Ibn Kathir Al Qur'an Surah An Nur Verse 26). By using a descriptive research method and a research approach to the tahlili interpretation method. qualitative descriptive approach and naturalistic paradigm, this thesis will describe the data obtained from the analysis of how Kafa’ah is in Marriage (Analytic Study of Ibn Kathir's Tafsir Al Qur'an Surat An Nur Verse 26). With data processing techniques through analysis and conclusions.

From the results of this study, it can be concluded, First, the concept of Kafa’ah in marriage in the perspective of Imam Ibnu Kastir is in accordance with what was taught by Rasulullah SAW, namely because of religion (Ad-Din) and descent (Al-Hasab). Imam Ibn Kastir did not judge or mention Kafa’ah other than in terms of religion and heredity. Second, the meaning of understanding from the interpretation of Surah An-Nur verse 26 in the book of Tafsir al Qur'an al Adzim (Tafsir Ibnu Katsir) regarding Kafa’ah contextualization in the present is the application of Kafa’ah in matters of religion (Ad-Din) and Nasab (Al-Hasab) which is still relevant today, but needs to be added as a consideration, namely about Al-Jamal (beauty) and Al-Mall (wealth).


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