KONSEP PERDAMAIAN PERSPEKTIF AL-QUR’AN (Analisis Deskriptif Penafsiran At-Tabari dan Sayyid Qutb)

  • Muhamad Hasanudin UNSIQ
  • Lutfan Muntaqo UNSIQ
  • Ahsin Wijaya UNSIQ


This paper discussed problems as follow: 1. How is the concept of peace in QS al-Anfa>l verse 61, an-Nisa 'verse 128, al-Baqarah verse 256, al- Ma>idah 48? 2. How do Ath-Thobari and Sayyid Qut}b interpret peace in QS al- Anfa>l verse 61, an-Nisa 'verse 128, al-Baqarah verse 256, al-Ma>idah 48? 3. How do Ath-Thobari and Sayyid Qut}b  compare the interpretations of QS al-Anfa>l verse 61, an-Nisa 'verse 128, al-Baqarah verse 256, al-Ma>idah 48?. This research is a library research and also thematic interpretation method in order to know the concept of peace in the Qur'an according to Imam ath-Tabari and Sayyid Qut}b  QS al-Anfa>l verse 61, an-Nisa' verse 128, al-Baqarah paragraph 256, al-Ma>idah 48. Some of the primary and secondary data sources were collected using the documentation method because they are bibliographic. Technical analysis of data in this study using descriptive-inductive method. The results of this study indicate that in QS al-Anfa>l verse 61, an-Nisa' verse 128, al-Baqarah verse 256, al-Ma>idah 48 there are four namely Peace in war, Peace in the family, Peace between religious communities, Peace in a society that multicultural. However, there are several things that must be considered in establishing peace, such as the payment of jizyah when making peace in a war and women having the authority to determine which is a problem for her in marriage.


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