PENAFSIRAN KATA AN-NAFS DALAM AL-QUR’AN Studi Atas Pandangan At-Tabari dan Fakhr Ad-Din Ar-Razi

  • Fahmi Ulyati UNSIQ
  • Nurul Mubin UNSIQ
  • Muhammad Subky Hasby Universitas Islam Negeri Malik Ibrahim Malang
an-Nafs, At-Tabari , ar-Razi, thematic, comparative


This study discussed an-nafs in the interpretation of Ja>mi al-Baya>n 'an Ta'wi>l A<yi al-Qur'a>n by At{-T}abari  and the interpretation of Mafa>tih al-Gaib by ar-Razi. There are two methods; thematic and comparative in this paper. The thematic method is intended to find out the main themes about the word an-nafs in the Koran and the comperative method is to find out the differences in interpretation between At{-T}abari  and ar-Ra>zi in interpreting the word an-nafs in the Koran. The process of collecting data was by reading and reviewing library books that had relevance to the issues discussed. To find the meaning of each word, the writer referred to dictionaries and commentaries. So that it can know the basic meaning and meaning contained in the Qur'an.

Based on the analysis of this study, it can be seen that the meaning of an-nafs according to At{-T}abari  and ar-Ra>zi basically has the same principal, namely the meaning of the heart, one's self, type, God, soul, spirit and totality of man. but differ in their interpretation. The factors that influence these differences lie in the scientific field that they apply in their interpretation. At{-T}abari  is more prominent in the field of hadith and ar-Ra>zi is more prominent in the field of philosophy.


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