MAKNA ṢABAR DAN MUṢĪBAH QS. AL-BAQARAH AYAT 153 -157 (Studi Komparasi Tafsir Al Miṣbah dan Tafsir Al Munir)

  • Muhamad Irfan UNSIQ
  • Ahsin Wijaya UNSIQ
patience, calamity, al-qur'an


This study discusses the meaning of patience and calamity in the Koran surah al-Baqarah verses 153-157 (Comparative Study of Al-Munir's Tafsir and Al-Misbah's interpretation). Today the world community is experiencing many disasters, including the Covid 19 virus which until now has not ended. As the people of the Prophet Muhammad SAW must be able to fully understand what the meaning of patience and what the meaning of calamity according to the Koran. So that there is an appropriate solution according to the guidance of the holy book of the Koran. The results of the study illustrate that the word patience in the Koran is evidence of the importance of patience in this life, and has a high position in religion. Likewise with calamities that cannot be separated from patience, until Allah equates the words patience and calamity in Surah al-Baqarah verses 153-157. And the views of the two commentators above are related to the meaning of patience and calamity.


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