The Influence of Islamic Character Education Found in Pembelajaran Unggul English Textbook of Eleventh Grade Published by “Bumi Aksara” in Building Students’ Character

  • Millati Ashfa Adzkiya universitas sains al-qur'an
Influence, Islamic Character Education, Excellent Learning


This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach to explore such as behavior, perception, motivation, and action, to understand the experiences of the subjects using descriptive language and natural methods. This study shows that the Pembelajaran Unggul English Textbook contains 10 values of Islamic character education in the reading section of the textbook, and these values are practiced by Eleventh-grade students of SMK Purnama, which leads to a positive attitude in their behavior.  In conclusion, it can be said that Islamic character education in the Pembelajaran Unggul English textbook has an effect on the positive attitudes and character development of eleventh-grade students of SMK Purnama and can increase their learning motivation. 


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How to Cite
AdzkiyaM. (2025, January 20). The Influence of Islamic Character Education Found in Pembelajaran Unggul English Textbook of Eleventh Grade Published by “Bumi Aksara” in Building Students’ Character. LINCA: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, 2(2), 212-217. Retrieved from


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