The Dehumanization Of Educational Setting In Ronald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical Movie
Matilda the Musical, Dehumanization, Resistance to dehumanization
This research was conducted to analyze dehumanization behavior and the resistance to dehumanization in an educational setting in Matilda's The Musical movie. The aims of this study are: (1) to know how the dehumanization of the educational setting in Ronald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical movie; (2) to find out how characters' resistance to dehumanization reflected in Ronald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical movie. The research uses a descriptive qualitative method and is analyzed using sociological studies of literature. Based on the research result, the writer found the dehumanization action of Miss Trunchbull as the principal which is: using someone’s pronouns as disgusting animals, carrying out oppression, and carrying out threats and slander. Matilda as the main character is aware of Miss Trunchbull’s act of dehumanization and fights against her. This resistance starts from critical awareness, rejection by saying no to the dehumanization, rebellion to restore humanity, and using her telekinesis power to fight Miss Trunchbull.
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