Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension through Mind Mapping Method at First Grade in SMK Purnama Wonosobo.

  • Farkhatun Nurjanah
  • Arif Widyantoro Universitas Sains Al-Qur’an
Reading Comprehension, Mind Mapping Method, Action Research


The purpose behind this review is to utilize mind mapping to improve reading conducted at SMK Purnama Wonosobo in the 2022/2023 school year as a research subject. The subjects of this study comprised of 28 students, 9 men, and 19 women. The research was conducted using classroom action research (CAR). Researcher work with English teacher in doing the activity. This research data uses quantitative methods. Quantitative information from the pre-test I, post-test II, and post-test III, show that the typical understudy score keeps expanding each test. The typical score of students in the pre-test was 65.5, there were 10 Students (35.7%) who met the Base Culmination measures (75). In the post-test in cycle II there were 18 students (75.6%) who achieved a score of 75 or expanded to 75. In the post-testIin cycle III there were 23 students (82%) who passed the Base Culmination measures (75). In light of the quantitative information above, it very well may be seen that students' scores showed an increment from the first to the latest. The mind mapping method shows that all learning exercises contribute not exclusively to expanding students' understanding cognizance yet to addition students' advantage, excitement, certainty, and inspiration.


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How to Cite
NurjanahF., & WidyantoroA. (2024, January 30). Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension through Mind Mapping Method at First Grade in SMK Purnama Wonosobo. LINCA: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, 1(2), 1-13. Retrieved from


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