Inovasi Penilaian Soal Esai Berbasis CEFR Pada Pembelajaran Maharah Kitabah Pada Buku Silsilatu Ta’limil Lughoh ‘Arobiyah

  • Khayyu Anggun Maharani UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • Chairani Astina Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an Jawa Tengah
  • Muhammad Hilmi Syukri Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
buku silsilatu ta'limil lughoh 'arobiyah, maharah kitabah, inovasi pembelajaran


This research was conducted because of the lack of effectiveness and efficiency in assessing essay questions which were considered too monotonous by educators and students. So it is necessary to hold innovations or updates to the assessments in the silsilatu ta'limil lughoh book. This research aims to provide more interesting and creative innovations in the book so that educators and students do not feel bored in the process of learning Arabic with the silsilatu ta'limil lughoh 'arobiyah book. This research uses qualitative methods and literature research approaches or literature reviews. The result of this research is the need to make innovations in Arabic language learning, especially in learning maharah kitabah in the silsilatu ta'limil lughoh 'arobiyah book specifically on the material khot, imla', and also insya'


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How to Cite
MaharaniK., AstinaC., & SyukriM. (2024, March 24). Inovasi Penilaian Soal Esai Berbasis CEFR Pada Pembelajaran Maharah Kitabah Pada Buku Silsilatu Ta’limil Lughoh ‘Arobiyah. LINCA: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, 1(2), 45-57. Retrieved from


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