Enhancing Maharah Kitabah in Arabic Language Education: Improving Arabic Typing Proficiency through Mnemonic Arabic Keyboard Techniques

  • Nur Hanifansyah UII Darullughah Wadda'wah
Arabic Keyboard, Mnemonic, Writing Skills


In the modern era, the term "illiteracy" does not refer to the inability to read and write; instead, it now refers to those who are unable to operate a computer, particularly the basic skill of typing. However, many students still experience difficulties when typing using the Arabic keyboard. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of using the Arabic Keyboard with a mnemonic approach to enhance Arabic writing skills at UII Darullughah Wadda’wah. Based on years of experience in using and teaching the Arabic Keyboard, this research shows that students can master basic typing skills in one to three days with three sessions while typing fluency can be achieved within a week or more. This research is expected to produce proficient writers in using the Arabic Keyboard, thereby increasing efficiency in the writing process. The results of this study are also supported by interviews with students and their typing practice outcomes.


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How to Cite
HanifansyahN. (2025, January 10). Enhancing Maharah Kitabah in Arabic Language Education: Improving Arabic Typing Proficiency through Mnemonic Arabic Keyboard Techniques. Lisanan Arabiya: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 8(2), 272-291. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.32699/liar.v8i2.7959


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