Tahlil Kitab Ilmi al-Shorfi Allafahu Abu Razin wa Ummu Razin Bi Ma’ayir at-Ta’lim al-Wathaniyah al-Indonisiyah

  • Muhammad Azhar Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • Hakmi Wahyudi Department of Arabic Language Education, Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University, Riau, Indonesia
  • Masrun Masrun Department of Arabic Language Education, Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University, Riau, Indonesia
Analyze, BSNP, Morphology Learning, Shorof Science, Textbook


To get a decent and quality textbook, it is necessary to evaluate and analyze the book, where a quality book will help achieve learning objectives. The purpose of this research is to analyze 3rd edition of the book Shorof science for beginners by Abu Razin published by the Bisa Learning Center third edition, whether the textbook meets BSNP standards based on aspects of material, presentation, language and graphics and whether the book is suitable for beginners. The type of research used is qualitative and bibliographic research which aims to analyze more deeply the book Shorof Science for Beginners by Abu Razin. The method used is documentation study and literature study. Based on the research results, the Shorof science textbook for beginners by Abu Razin is a book that meets BSNP standards and meets the quality of teaching materials based on aspects of material, presentation, language and graphics and is very suitable for use for teaching Shorof science for beginners. The weakness of this book is that there is no Glossary and Summary at the end of the discussion chapter.


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How to Cite
AzharM., WahyudiH., & MasrunM. (2023, December 30). Tahlil Kitab Ilmi al-Shorfi Allafahu Abu Razin wa Ummu Razin Bi Ma’ayir at-Ta’lim al-Wathaniyah al-Indonisiyah. Lisanan Arabiya: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 7(2), 186-200. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.32699/liar.v7i2.5681


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