SAINTIFICA2025-01-19T14:58:11+07:00Sri Journal Systems<p align="justify">Jurnal Catha Saintifica merupakan media komunikasi dan publikasi hasil-hasil penelitian, kreativitas, pengembangan dan inovasi produk-produk teknologi meliputi pendidikan, kesehatan, pertanian, informatika, transportasi, manufaktur, dan energi alternatif. Jurnal ini terbit pertama kali pada Nopember tahun 2023 dan diterbitkan oleh Sentra Kekayaan Intelektual dan Inovasi Teknologi (INOTEK) Universitas Sains Al-Qur’an (UNSIQ) Jawa Tengah di Wonosobo secara berkala dua kali dalam setahun yaitu bulan Mei dan November.</p> STRUDEL: CULINARY INNOVATION TO STIMULATE SENSORY AND FUN MATHEMATICS ABILITIES IN CHILDREN2025-01-19T09:28:51+07:00Desty Putri Bayuiqbalbayu@gmail.comAhmad Tarikul<p>The study aims to examine the educational impact of introducing Carica Strudel on sensory and mathematical abilities in children aged 4-7 years in Wonosobo. Carica Strudel represents a culinary innovation that combines carica with strudel. It is not only a local culinary dish but also has the potential to serve as an effective learning tool. The research method employed is a descriptive quantitative approach. The research sample consisted of 20 children participating in the "Kitchen Exploration: Carica Strudel" activity was organized by Teman Penjelajah Community in collaboration with Patara. Data were collected through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and document analysis. The research procedures included the preparation, implementation, and data analysis stages. The research procedures consist of three stages: preparation, implementation, and data analysis. The validity of the data is guaranteed through triangulation of sources and methods, as well as member checking. The findings of the research indicate that the introduction of Carica strudel can stimulate children's various sensory abilities, including taste, visual perception, texture, and aroma. In addition, this activity facilitates the development of mathematical skills, including measurement, basic calculations, geometry, pattern recognition, estimation, simple data analysis, and an understanding of temperature and time. Carica Strudel is not only a culinary innovation that reflects local wisdom; it can also be utilized as an engaging and meaningful learning tool for children. This research offers new insights into the integration of local culinary delights in children's education, particularly in the development of sensory and mathematical abilities</p>2025-01-16T14:53:57+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## LOCKER BOX FOR STORING GOODS USING ESP 8266 AND SMART PHONE2025-01-19T07:45:06+07:00Adi<p>Storage of goods in public areas, such as in the Al Furqon Mosque, is often a problem due to the lack of adequate security systems due to the absence of guards. This raises the risk of losing goods, so an effective and efficient solution is needed. This study aims to design and implement an ESP 8266-based smart locker box that can be controlled via a smartphone to improve security and comfort in storing goods. The research method used is the waterfall system development model, which includes the stages of needs analysis, system design, code, testing, and maintenance. This system is designed using the ESP 8266 module as the main controller connected to a smartphone application via a Wi-Fi connection. The main features include automatic locking and opening of the locker and notification of locker status via the application. The results of the study show that the smart locker box functions well, with a fast and accurate control response via a smartphone. This system has succeeded in improving the security of goods in storage areas, especially in public places such as mosques, by reducing the risk of losing goods. The impact of this research is the creation of an innovative technological solution to overcome security problems in storage areas without guards, as well as increasing the sense of security and comfort for users</p>2025-01-19T07:12:13+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## COPYWRITING GENERATOR MODELING USING PROBABILISTIC PARSING TECHNIQUE IN NLP: CASE STUDY AT CV. BERKAH TIGA DEWI2025-01-19T09:19:08+07:00Nahar Najma<p>This study aims to develop a promotional copywriting generator model based on the Probabilistic Parsing technique in Natural Language Processing (NLP), applied to CV. Berkah Tiga Dewi, is a snack production and sales company located in Bumirejo Village, Mojotengah District, Wonosobo. The proposed model was evaluated using Precision, Recall, F1-Score, and Perplexity metrics. The results showed a significant increase in the quality of the promotional text, with the F1-Score of the Probabilistic Parsing model reaching 0.86, compared to the traditional method which only reached 0.70. In addition, a lower Perplexity value indicates that the resulting text is more natural and easy to understand. Validation through cross-validation techniques produced a consistent performance with an average Precision of 0.88 and Recall of 0.85. This study proves the effectiveness of the Probabilistic Parsing technique in producing persuasive and relevant copywriting, providing practical solutions to the company's marketing needs. The impacts include increasing product appeal and corporate image. Development prospects include adapting the model to other products and integrating with digital marketing platforms. In conclusion, the research objectives were achieved with relevant and significant results in the practical application of CV. Berkah Tiga Dewi marketing.</p>2025-01-19T08:46:30+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SHAMPOO INNOVATION: PURWACENG EXTRACT AS THE MAIN ACTIVE INGREDIENT2025-01-19T14:58:11+07:00Nur Azizah Windarinura.wind46@gmail.comRahma Nafisahrahmanafis08@gmail.comIzatin Nisaizatinnisa386@gmail.comAnang<table width="590"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="385"> <p>Shampoo is a hair care product commonly used by the general public with the main ingredient being surfactant/detergent (Pravitasari et al., 2021). Some people experience hair health issues such as dandruff and hair loss caused by hormonal changes in the body, dirty hair, and infrequent shampooing, or the use of inappropriate shampoo products. This article aims to present an innovation in shampoo using Purwaceng extract. Purwaceng (Pimpinella pruatjan) is an indigenous Indonesian herbal rich in properties, found in the highlands of Dieng, Central Java. Purwaceng contains active antioxidant compounds including flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, and tannins (Andrian, 2021). These compounds make Purwaceng potentially effective in preventing dandruff, stimulating hair growth, maintaining scalp health, and addressing hair loss. The research method involves formulation to determine the optimal composition and formula, using three sample preparations (F0, F1, and F2) that undergo stability testing. The conclusion is that the shampoo with the appropriate formula exhibits good stability for hair and is safe, as demonstrated by Sample F1. The results of this study are expected to provide information on the stability and safety of Purwaceng extract as a shampoo raw material. Additionally, it is hoped that the public can utilize Purwaceng to develop innovative shampoo products with further potential for development</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>.</p>2025-01-19T10:18:24+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PURANUT (ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PURWACENG LEMONGRASS AND COCONUT AROMATHERAPY CANDLE AS A SOLUTION TO INSOMNIA2025-01-19T11:38:51+07:00tri adita viannitriaditavianni@gmail.comAprilia Budiatitriaditavianni@gmail.comRevi Listianatriaditavianni@gmail.comAuli Elfina Nur Rizkitriaditavianni@gmail.comArkhan Ashimudin Sajidtriaditavianni@gmail.comNila<p>The problem of people in Indonesia today, especially adolescents, namely work stress that affects sleep patterns or called insomnia, has increased significantly. Based on research reported the prevalence of Insomnia in adolescents in Indonesia is 38% for adolescents in Urban areas and 37.7% in Suburban areas. However, this study used self-report instrument and cross-sectional method. Meanwhile, a more recent study showed that the prevalence of insomnia sufferers aged ≥19 years in Indonesia was 43.7%. Seeing these problems and realizing the opportunities that exist, aromatherapy candles are needed. Alternative medicine with the use of aroma therapy candles that are lit will produce a calming fragrance that can relieve stress. innovation in creative product activities through the manufacture of CANOILPURANUT (Aromatherapy Candles Purwaceng, Lemongrass and Coconut that are Environmentally Friendly) as a solution to work stress therapy that affects sleep patterns with treatment that is more concise and has no negative side effects to be used as a promising and sustainable business opportunity</p>2025-01-19T11:01:50+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PARENTING STYLE (IDEPS) INSTRUMENT TO IMPROVE SELF-ESTEEM IN THE YOUNGER GENERATION2025-01-19T12:31:01+07:00Maulida Rahma Susantimaulidarahma1605@gmail.comDita Nurul Istiqomahditanurulistiqomah1@gmail.comSiti Nihar Salsabilahsitiniharsalsabilah@gmail.comTaufan<table width="590"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="385"> <p>Currently, many young generations have mental problems caused by low self-esteem. Many factors can influence high and low self-esteem, including parenting patterns. However, the problem that occurs is that many parents do not know the parenting patterns they apply. This study aims to develop a Diagnostic Parenting Style Instrument (IDePS) that can diagnose the type of parenting pattern applied by parents, so that parents can know the type of parenting pattern they use and how it impacts their children's self-esteem. This study uses the Research and Development (R&D) method. The suitability of the measurement model as well as the validity test of the Diagnostic Parenting Style Instrument construct was analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results showed that the instrument developed used the IP Scale, which consisted of 30 questions. The instrument consists of two dimensions of parenting patterns, namely the responsive dimension and the demanding dimension. The Diagnostic Parenting Style Instrument (IDePS) has characteristics as an instrument that meets the requirements for use. This is indicated by the results of statistical testing using CFA, where the instrument has good model suitability. Overall, the Diagnostic Prescribing Style (IDePS) Instrument has good reliability with loading factors of 0.42, 0.32, 0.36, 0.48, 0.44, 0.33, 0.3, 0.34, 0.38, 0.35, 0.38, 0.31, 0.4, 0.3, 0.37, 0.38, 0.42, 0.45, 0.41, 0.38, 0.3, 0.52, 0.3, 0.34, 0.47, 0.56, 0.35. Diagnostic Instruments Parenting Style (IDePS) is also effective in diagnosing the type of parenting style applied by parents. Through this instrument, parents can evaluate the type of parenting style they apply to improve self-esteem in the younger generation in the future.</p> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table width="590"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="385"> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2025-01-19T12:23:58+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## OPTIMIZATION FOR MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY AND PERFORMANCE2025-01-19T14:43:56+07:00Hamdan Ramadanhamdanramadan0322@gmail.comSyahrul Maulana<p>A clutch is a mechanical component used to connect two shaft together in power transmission system. The main function of a clutch in a transmission system is to transmit power from one shaft to another while adjusting the difference in speed or position between the two. This study aims to calculate the critical parameters of the clutch, such as torque, normal pressure, contact area, required force, and centrifugal force on the clutch shoes. This study produces a normal pressure force of Q = 65.99 kg With a force F that is smaller than the maximum allowable force of 24.67 kg and At a minimum rotation of n = 1500 rpm, the centrifugal force generated is F = 626.23 N with a vertical force in the y direction of F = 313.11 N. While at maximum rotation the centrifugal force increases sharp, namely F = 22184.1 N, with a vertical force in the y direction of F = 11092.05 N. The calculation results show that this clutch design is safe to use by meeting all the parameters that have been set. The impact of this research provides increased energy efficiency, system performance and component life, which supports operational cost savings and reduced emissions. In addition, this research encourages technological innovation, development of local industry, and positive contributions to the environment and society.</p>2025-01-19T14:32:52+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##