At-Ta'awun : Jurnal Mu'amalah dan Hukum Islam <p><em>At-Ta’awun: Jurnal&nbsp;Mu'amalah &amp; Hukum Islam</em>, published by Muamalat Research Centre of Department of Islamic Economic Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law, University of Science al-Qur’an Wonosobo.</p> <p>The subject covers textual and fieldwork studies with various perspectives of Islamic Economic Law, legal drafting of Islamic economic law. In the beginning the journal only served as a scholarly forum for the lecturers, professors, and students at the University of Science al-Qur’an. However, due to the later development, the journal has successfully invited scholars and researchers outside the University to contribute. <em>Jurnal</em>&nbsp;Mu'amalah &amp; Hukum<em> Islam</em>&nbsp;is going to publish journals in June and December. Please submit your manuscript.</p> en-US (Akmal Bashori) (Akmal Bashori) Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 URGENSI INDEPENDENSI HAKIM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM <p>The judge is the enforcer of the law in deciding all matters faced by the state. The position of a judge isa very important position for any country to grow, if law enforcement by a judge can proceed in accordance with the law and render justice to the people then the state will receive its share. The judge in carrying out his position as law enforcement is not only fixed to legislation legislation by the government, but there is an obligation for the judge to look into the legal values of the living community so that the decisions that society will receive are in accord with a sense of justice. In view of the importance of the role of the judge as well as the great effect of the office of judge, a judge must keep his freedom of judgment in judgment, for when an intervening judge then affects the ruling he renders would in no way be proper and illegal so that the determined justice would never be realized. The standard of the urgency of an independent judge became important to formulate, one through islamic law</p> Khoerul Umam ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Membumikan Fikih Flexi-Parenting Sebagai Suatu Pendekatan dalam Pengasuhan Anak di Era Modern <p>Penelitian ini mengkaji konsep "Fikih Flexi-Parenting" sebagai solusi adaptif untuk tantangan pengasuhan anak di era modern yang dikarakterisasi oleh dinamika sosial, teknologi, dan ekonomi yang cepat berubah. Fikih Flexi-Parenting, yang mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai Islam dengan pendekatan pengasuhan kontemporer, bertujuan untuk menciptakan keseimbangan antara pemenuhan kebutuhan fisik, emosional, spiritual, dan intelektual anak, sambil mempertahankan nilai-nilai syariah. Melalui penelitian berbasis kepustakaan dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan memanfaatkan kerangka teori maqashid syariah sebagai pisau bedah analisis, penelitian ini berusaha mengeksplorasi bagaimana Fikih Flexi-Parenting dapat diterapkan dalam konteks keluarga muslim modern, dengan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor seperti media digital, tekanan sosial, dan ekspektasi pendidikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Fikih Flexi-Parenting menekankan pentingnya fleksibilitas dalam pengasuhan, mengakomodasi kebutuhan fisik, emosional, spiritual, dan intelektual anak, sambil diiringi dengan menjaga nilai-nilai syariah. Fikih Flexi-Parenting mengadvokasi keterlibatan kedua orang tua, pengintegrasian nilai-nilai Islam dalam aktivitas sehari-hari, dan pendukungannya terhadap pendidikan yang memfasilitasi perkembangan individu anak. Ini mendukung penciptaan lingkungan keluarga yang harmonis dan mendidik anak-anak dalam konteks yang memenuhi kebutuhan mereka serta sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Selain itu, analisis maqashid syariah dari konsep ini menegaskan konsistensinya dengan pemeliharaan agama, jiwa, akal, keturunan, dan harta. Penelitian ini menawarkan perspektif baru dalam pendekatan pengasuhan anak, menggabungkan kearifan Islam tradisional dengan kebutuhan adaptasi terhadap perubahan zaman, sehingga mendukung pembentukan keluarga muslim yang harmonis dan dinamis.</p> Arif Sugitanata ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pembiayaan Qardul Hasan Prespektif Fatwa DSN MUI Nomor 19/DSN-MUI/IV/2001 <p>Pembiayaan <em>qardul hasan</em> merupakan orientasi fungsi Baitul Maal wat Tamwil sebagai lembaga sosial. Qardul hasan adalah suatu pinjaman lunak yang diberikan atas dasar kewajiban sosial semata. Dalam hal ini peminjam tidak dituntut untuk mengembalikan apapun kecuali sejumlah yang dipinjamnya. Dalam pembiayaan ini terdapat rukun dan syarat yang harus terpenuhi yaitu pelaku akad yang terdiri dari muqtarid (peminjam), muqrid (pemberi pinjaman), <em>qard</em> (dana), dan <em>shigat</em> yaitu ijab dan qabul kerelaan kedua belah pihak dan dana digunakan untuk sesuatu yang bermanfaat dan halal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi pembiayaan <em>qardul hasan</em> di BMT Artha Salam Banjarnegara. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, dilanjutkan analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi pembiayaan <em>qardul hasan</em> dilakukan dengan pengisian formulir yang melampirkan fotokopi KTP (suami istri), fotokopi KK dan surat nikah. Setelah itu, pihak BMT Artha Salam melakukan penilaian anggota pembiayaan qardul hasan dengan menggunakan analisis 5C yaitu <em>character, chapacity, capital, collateral, dan condition of economy</em>. Selanjutnya dana yang diajukan akan cair setelah kurang lebih 3 hari dan pengembalian dana pinjaman dilakukan sebulan sekali. Penerapan pembiayaan <em>qardul hasan</em> belum sesuai dengan Fatwa DSN MUI karena sasaran pendistribusian hanya disalurkan kepada pegawai BMT Artha Salam Banjarnegara saja, meskipun tidak melanggar syariat Islam.</p> Mila Fursiana Salma Musfiroh ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Vote Buying Pada Pemilihan Duta Genre Perspektif Hukum Islam <p>This research aims to find out the problems that occurred in the Wonosobo Regency GenRe Ambassador competition. The research method used in this study is field research, with qualitative data analysis. The results of this research show that the vote buying system in the Wonosobo Regency GenRe Ambassador competition uses money as a voting tool, where each person pays Rp. 1000 via QRIS to provide support. From the perspective of Islamic law, the use of money in voting is only a means of support and there is no explicit argument that forbids or allows it. Based on the muamalah principle "The original law in muamalah is permissibility until there is an argument that shows it is forbidden", then vote buying in this election finds its relevance in the legal context of fiqh.</p> Muflihin Muflihin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Konstruksi Nalar Hukum Fatwa Pemboikotan Produk Terafiliasi Israel di Indonesia <p>This article focuses on the issue of the Indonesian Ulema Council’s (MUI) fatwa regarding boycotting products affiliated with Israel, with a focus on the epistemological construction of MUI fatwa No. 83 of 2023. To answer this problem, this article uses the theory of ijtihād. Considering that the type of research is literature with the data source being MUI fatwa 83 2023, then it is analyzed using descriptive analysis. From the results of this research, it can be concluded that the fatwa is a form of Indonesia’s support for the Palestinian struggle, one of which is an appeal to boycott products affiliated with Israel. In deciding this Fatwa, the MUI used the reasoning of Bayānī, Ta’līlī, and Iṣtislaḥī.</p> Firly Innayah, Akmal Bashori ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pembaharuan Hukum Islam Via Keterbukaan Landasan Filosofis: Ontologis, Epistemologis, Dan Aksiologis <p>Updating Islamic law is essential to adapt to current social changes, given the limited coverage of the Prophet's holy books and hadith. This study seeks to investigate changes in Islamic law using the concepts of form, knowledge and values. The method used is a review by reading many books, magazine articles and science papers. These findings show that the philosophical foundation of sharia originates from principles revealed by God, but still maintains its adaptability to the ever-evolving societal and cultural environment. 'The epistemological view emphasizes important sources such as the Koran and Hadith as well as current strategies including maqasid sharia and maslahat.' Simultaneously, the ethical foundation emphasizes the incorporation of moral values, justice and societal welfare throughout the application of Sharia law, particularly in addressing contemporary issues such as gender equality, individual rights, and ecological conservation. This study finds that updating Sharia through a comprehensive philosophical perspective allows the fatwa to remain relevant and applicable to contemporary progress while maintaining religious-based principles. Conversations among clerics, religious leaders, and local gatherings play an important role in this thinking.</p> Athallah Keisa Efendi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 03 Jan 2025 11:55:27 +0700