'aruf : Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam2025-01-04T10:07:56+07:00Mutho' Journal Systems<p>at-Ta’aruf: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam, published by HKI Research Centre of Department of Islamic Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law, University of Science al-Qur’an Wonosobo.</p> <p>The subject covers textual and fieldwork studies with various perspectives of Islamic Family Law, legal drafting of Islamic Family law. In the beginning the journal only served as a scholarly forum for the lecturers, professors, and students at the University of Science al-Qur’an. However, due to the later development, the journal has successfully invited scholars and researchers outside the University to contribute. Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam is going to publish journals in Maret and Oktober. Please submit your manuscript.</p> HAK ANAK PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM DAN HUKUM POSITIF INDONESIA2024-12-31T23:21:35+07:00fitri dalilatundalilatunfitri@gmail.comNila<p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: 36.0pt;"><em><span lang="IN">Protection of children's rights is often associated in Islamic law with the ethical and spiritual obligations of parents and society. For example, parents have an obligation to ensure that their children receive a quality education and are raised in a safe and caring environment. In contrast, the protection of children's rights in Indonesian positive law focuses primarily on the legal and administrative components, emphasizing the need for clear law enforcement procedures and penalties for those who violate children's rights. A qualitative approach using descriptive-comparative analysis methodology is the research methodology used.</span></em></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: 36.0pt;"><em><span lang="IN">The purpose of this study is to determine the positive laws and regulations of Indonesia with Islamic law regulations related to the protection of children's rights. Various teachings on child protection, including those related to the right to life, the right to education, the right to be safe from violence, and the right to welfare, can be found in Islamic law. On the other hand, laws and regulations such as Child Protection Law Number 35 of 2014 have been regulated by positive laws and regulations in Indonesia, providing different protection for children's rights.</span></em></p>2024-12-31T22:18:38+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PRIA-WANITA DALAM ISLAM SEBAGAI KRITIK WACANA PATRIARKIS DAN TEOLOGI FEMINISME2024-12-31T23:21:35+07:00Hurnawijaya -<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Patriarchy is a system that places adult men in the central or most important position, while others such as wives and children are positioned according to the interests of the patriarch (adult men). In a patriarchal system, women are positioned as wives who are tasked with accompanying, complementing, entertaining and serving their husbands (the patriarch), while children are positioned as the next generation and entertainers of their fathers. This system influences the interpretation and understanding of religion, in this case Islamic teachings. Interpreting religion with a patriarchal lens can give birth to a patriarchal culture that positions women as always and always under men and men must always and always be above women, namely in a position to lead, regulate and control, regardless of whether the man is capable. and fulfill the requirements or not. This understanding then received deconstruction from the feminist movement which challenged interpretations and understandings that tended to be patriarchal, such as the theological construction carried out by several Muslim figures such as Riffat Hassan, Ameena Wadud and so on to realize gender equality, unfortunately the theological construction of gender equality built by Riffat Hassan for example, simply adopting the concept of feminist theology that developed in the West. Even though it is different from women in the West, which has a dark history because women are seen as despised and treated discriminatorily, in Islam women are actually glorified. The arrival of Islam has eliminated jahiliyah customs that were detrimental to women and raised their dignity. If the subordination of women in the West gets legitimacy from the Bible, in the Koran women are actually glorified. Therefore, a new understanding of religion is needed using a gender justice perspective that relations in Islam are not like the understanding in patriarchal culture or gender equality as advocated by western feminism but rather gender harmony in the form of equal partnerships between men and women.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Interpretation, Gender, Patriarchy, Feminism, Equal Partnerships</em></p>2024-12-31T22:21:24+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Hukum Perwalian Anak dalam Kasus Perceraian: Antara Kepentingan Anak dan Hak Orang Tua2024-12-31T23:21:35+07:00muh<p><em>Child custody arrangements in divorce cases remain a critical issue in family law, often sparking disputes between parents while potentially neglecting the best interests of the child. This study examines the reform of child custody laws in Indonesia by balancing the child’s best interests with parental rights, using a normative qualitative approach grounded in Islamic law and Indonesia's national legal framework. It explores the principles underlying custody decisions, particularly the alignment of existing laws with Islamic jurisprudence and international conventions such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The findings indicate that while Indonesian legal provisions prioritize the child’s welfare, implementation challenges persist, particularly in balancing parental rights and addressing gender biases in custody decisions. The study highlights the need for legal reforms to enhance clarity, consistency, and fairness in custody arrangements, emphasizing the integration of Islamic legal principles and global best practices to safeguard children’s rights. This article concludes by offering recommendations for a comprehensive reform of custody laws that not only uphold the best interests of the child but also ensure equitable consideration of parental roles. These reforms aim to bridge the gap between religious principles, national legal mandates, and international human rights standards in addressing custody disputes post-divorce.</em></p>2024-12-31T23:01:39+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PERKAWINAN SUAMI MUALAF YANG MURTAD DALAM HUKUM ISLAM (Studi Pendapat K.H Yahya Zainul Ma’arif Pada Channel Youtube Al-Bahjah TV)2024-12-31T23:21:36+07:00nurfadilah nurfadilahnurf32006@gmail.comRohatun<p><em>Dari analisis pendapat K.H. Yahya Zainul Ma’arif mengenai status pernikahan suami mualaf yang murtad menunjukkan bahwa pernikahan tersebut otomatis dianggap fasakh ketika suami memilih untuk kembali ke agama lamanya, tanpa perlu melontarkan talak, sesuai dengan pandangan madzhab Syafi’iyah. Jika kemurtadan terjadi sebelum bersenggama, pernikahan batal seketika; jika setelahnya, harus menunggu masa iddah istri. K.H. Yahya menekankan pentingnya memilih pasangan yang kuat imannya untuk menghindari konflik dalam pernikahan dan memberikan nasihat agar istri membujuk suami untuk kembali ke Islam. Dalam konteks hukum, meskipun pernikahan dianggap batal secara agama, proses perceraian harus melalui pengadilan agar diakui secara hukum, terutama jika ada anak. Pendapat beliau memiliki implikasi sosial dan keagamaan yang signifikan, mendorong masyarakat untuk lebih berhati-hati dalam memilih pasangan dan memahami kompleksitas isu kemurtadan dalam konteks pernikahan.</em></p>2024-12-31T23:19:25+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ANAK TERKAIT DENGAN PERNIKAHAN WANITA HAMIL: STUDI KOMPARASI PEMIKIRAN IMAM SYAFI’I DAN IMAM HANBALI2025-01-04T10:07:56+07:00nur latifatunnurlatifatunnimah@gmail.comRobiah<p><em>Penelitian ini membahas hak-hak anak yang </em><em>ter</em><em>lahir dari</em><em> sebuah</em><em> pernikahan </em><em>yang </em><em>wanita hamil di luar nikah, berdasarkan</em><em> dari</em> <em>pemikiran</em><em> Imam Syafi’i dan Imam Hanbali. Penelitian ini </em><em>memakai</em><em> metode kualitatif </em><em>dan menggunakan </em><em>pendekatan kepustakaan. Hasil </em><em>dari </em><em>penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan pendapat di antara kedua imam mengenai keabsahan pernikahan wanita hamil dan implikasinya terhadap nasab, nafkah, dan perwalian anak. Imam Syafi’i </em><em>memper</em><em>bolehkan pernikahan wanita hamil</em><em> di luar nikah</em><em> baik dengan</em><em> seorang</em><em> laki-laki yang</em><em> sudah</em><em> menghamilinya maupun dengan laki-laki lain. Sementara itu, Imam Hanbali mensyaratkan wanita tersebut melahirkan terlebih dahulu sebelum menikah. Perbedaan ini mempengaruhi hak-hak anak dan status hukumnya dalam masyarakat</em>.</p>2025-01-04T10:07:56+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##